Tintin and Himsy meet

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As a journalist, Tintin needed a new story for his avid readers, he thought and thought on whom to interview, a while later, he decided to go and report in the world's most DANGEROUS mental asylum, ching san mental asylum.

He booked a flight to HK, ecstatic on how it'll end up, but there was one thing he was sure of, this adventure was going to be a BLAST!

A few days later, he had just arrived at HK, he took a bus to a place close to CHING san for lunch, Tintin sat down in a Chaa Chan Teng.

“ey, 鬼 lor (foreigner) what u want lar”

Tintin cleared his throat.

“ai, you want the cough candy??”

“no sir, I would like a steak.” Tintin explained

“chi seen lor, 去青山 (ching san mental asylum) lar”

Tintin thought that was a splendid idea.

“Arigato” he says, leaving without lunch

“bak chi, 日文同中文有唔同 (there's a difference between Japanese and chinese) ga”  the waiter mumbled.

Tintin then took the bus to ching san, he walks inside the hospital and chirps


“Doctor, it's a chi seen lor (crazy dude) should we lock him up and send to zoo????”

“ekcuseme?” Tintin raises his eyebrow, he continues “I'm actually here for the INTERVIEW.”

“Back chee (idiot)” the nurse exclaims

“eksuceme??????? What does that mean?????? everyone call me “bak chee (idiot) or 鬼 lor (foriegner)” Tintin says confused.

“nothing lah, come lamb to the slaughter”

“uh… sure????” agreed Tintin.

They walked inside the hospital, they went through all the white puffy rooms, some patients didn't even mumble a single word, and some were banging on the white stained glass window.

“Everyone, stop banging!!!!” screamed the nurse

But, there was one patient that caught Tintin's eye. He had tanned skin and black hair, his eyes looked dull and dark as he was screaming at a guy who was swinging his card holder around like a cowboy on drugs and chugged 2000 energy drinks 5 minutes ago.

“STOP IT U!!!!! STUPID IDIOT *20x cuss words*” screamed the boy.

“OMG, WHO IS THIS HAWTIEEE??!!!??” drooled Tintin, his eyes turned into two big, red, and plump hearts, “SHE’S SO HOT 🥵, I WANT HIM”

the nurse looked at Tintin with pitiful eyes, “That's Himson, and the one swinging the card holder is Jishi —”

Tintin ran to the glass window thing and screamed


Himson looked to his right and said in a flirty way

“I just met you, but I already know that we will be a perfect match together. This shirt, it’s boyfriend material.”

“Are you my keyboard because you’re my type? What’s your name?” blushed Tintin. 

“I am Himson, but for right now, call me yours.”

They started flirting and after weeks of dating, they got married.

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