chapter 3- capture the flag

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I could hear them yelling for me behind me before I skillfully jumped into the top branches of a tree. I continued to run through the tree branches until I got to the edge of the woods by the beach.


We kept looking for y/n. We hadn't seen her since she jumped into the tree. I walked to the edge of the woods by the beach and looked up. I saw her hanging upside down from the top branch of the tree she was in.

"Y/N GET DOWN FROM THERE! IT COULD BREAK ANY MOMENT!" I screamed, making the others run towards me. The others looked up and saw her. Leo burst out laughing.


A laugh made my eyes snap open. I looked down to see who laughed and saw Leo laughing. I dropped without a sound and walked towards Leo, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt. I towerd Leo when he was standing, so I lifted him off the ground by about 3 feet.

"Leo, why are you laughing?" I asked darkly. His face paled.

"Ummmmm, because your position was funny?" He said uncertainty. I threw him against the tree. You could hear him when he hit the tree. The others just looked at me in shock and fear. Well, except for Percy.

~~~~~~Time Skip to capture the flag~~~~~~

I stood with the throwing knives I was given by Annabeth. I was on Percy's team.

"I'll go left with y/n, and a group of five, 7 people will take the right. The rest will guard the flag. Annabeth will probably think that I will guard the flag or y/n will. Now, we are in charge of getting the flag." Percy said. I nodded, and though I wasn't wearing armor, you could tell that I would be fine. We heard the conkshell being blown to start and ran off to the left. With in a few feet of getting past the line, we meet, some Athena kids, one of which was Annabeth.

"Hey, ready to lose?" I asked playfully. I quickly jumped into a tree and threw 3 of 20 throwing knives, which pinned three of give Athena kids. I jumped to the next tree and pinned Annabeth to the tree behind her.

"Y/n, how did you do that!?" Percy said in shock.

"Ummm, by using my skills? Also, come on!" I said before running towards their flag.the others followed me, and we got to the flag in no time. There were a few ( A LOT) campers guarding the flag. Our group defeated them after about 25 minutes.

"Y/n, would you grab the flag and take to the trees?" Percy asked. I nodded and grabbed the flag before jumping into the trees. I jumped from branch to branch and finally landed on my side. I heard the horn being blown to say that it was over. Annabeth walked over to me.

"I'm sorry about this." She said before pushing me into the water.

"WHAT THE HECK WAS THAT FOR!? I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" I shouted. She just pointed at my arms and smiled. I looked at my arms and saw the cuts I had gotten were healing. Suddenly, there was a green glow around me.

"Welcome, Y/N Jackson, daughter of Poseidon, earth shaker, controler of fluids, creater of horses. You are Percy Jackson's twin sister." Chiron said. Everyone looked shocked. I walked towards Annabeth and looked her dead in the eye. She shivered.

"We will continue this later." I said darkly.

Y/N Jackson, Percy Jackson's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now