chapter 4- What's Hogwarts?

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After I was claimed and everything calmed down, me and the seven, as their called, were called to the big house. We walked in and saw Hecate standing next to Chiron.

"Ummm, hi? What did you guys need us for?" I asked uncertainly.

"You have been called here to discuss the new quest at hand." Chiron said. (A/N, we're going to skip the prophecy 'cause I can't think of one) the others groaned.

"You will go to a school for magic called hogwarts-"

At this, I burst out laughing, and so did Leo and Percy. Annabeth hit Percy and Leo behind the head and did nothing to me. While the boys rubbed where Annabeth hit them, they looked at me in shock.

"Why would someone name their school Pigfarts?" I said between laughs.

"You will go there and stay from the year to help hogwarts in the upcoming war for the wizards and witches. You will stay all year." Chiron continued as if nothing happened.

"What do you mean, Witches and Wizards? Are we talking demi-gods?" I asked.

"Long ago, I blessed four mortals with a little magic and the started Hogwarts, the mortals had children with other non-magic mortals, and so Witches and Wizards were born." Hecate said.

"And you want us to go help with a war?" I questioned. Hecate and Chiron nodded. I groaned. Gods, why did I have to help in the war. I think people kept forgetting that I was new, but it didn't matter in the end.

"You have an hour to pack, go." Chiron said. I walked out to the Poseidon cabin.

"Percy, why do we have to help them with the war? I mean, what have they ever done for us? I've heard what you guys have been through, and now they want us to help them with the upcoming war."

"I can't answer, but I can tell you that we can try to have fun on this quest. Come, let's get ready for the quest." He said before we walked into the cabin. I gasped in shock. It was beautiful. I turned around and marveled at how beautiful the cabin was.

"Hey, you have to pack!" Percy called from where he was packing. I ran around the cabin, gathering my stuff. (A/N just pretend your stuff got transported to the Poseidon cabin.) After about 30 minutes, I had all my stuff together, ready to go. We walked to Thalia's PineTree and waited for the others. Annabeth, Hazel, Jason, Piper, and Frank arrived a little bit after us.

"Why is Leo taking so long?" I groaned. After waiting about 20 more minutes, Leo finally arrived. We got into the van and drove to an airport.  Percy and I's faces paled visibly.

"Ummm. Do we have to fly?" I asked. The others nodded. I ran to Percy and held onto his arm for dear life.

"Why are you so scared?" Hazel asked.

"When I was at a boarding school, we went on a plain, and it crashed, and everyone but me died, and I know it was Zues's falt." I said in fear. They looked at me in shock as we boarded.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11 ⏰

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Y/N Jackson, Percy Jackson's twin sisterWhere stories live. Discover now