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people called him the devil
I called him mine

Kavita's POV

I just entered the university and walked towards my locker.
....i kept my mothers necklace 

i smiled at the necklace.that was the last thing my mother gave me before leaving the world.i love this necklace alot.i closed my locker

i turned around to leave but suddenly i was slammed on the locker.there was no one in the hallway.i was about to shout when he covered my mouth with his large hands.

WTF is wrong with him?!?!

"hey squirrel,watcha doin" he got some nerve

i slammed his hand away "first of all don't call me that and second why are you so annoying get lost." i tried to pushed him away but this wall does not budge

"look at you so small and cute"he said with some sarcasm in his voice

"shut the fuck up"

"oh fiesty i see,you know i can fit you in my luggage" he said with amusement

"you are just some inches longer than me but acting all high and mighty about.grow the fuck up!"i said

"well clearly i have grown a lot better than you"


"oh nothing i am just here to warn you if i get mad squirrel i swear to god i will end you well whatsoever i guess its too late to say that you already started a war. so,i guess i am here to warn you. your life is about to be hell."

"oh yeah? guess what i am not scared!"i pushed him off and walked away without looking back. i have never been scared in my whole life except for that night well whatever i ain't scared

Reyansh's POV

oh she got some nerve i guess she really have a death wish.well but when i was looking at her

 i could not help but notice

her pretty doe eyes,her perfect buttoned up nose,milky smooth skin and her pink lips i wonder how they taste and feel-

shit wtf am i thinking????!! whatever need to make some plans 


when i was walking towards her i saw she was keeping a necklace in her locker while smiling at it maybe her eyes had some tears.i guess thats her favourite necklace! noted!

Kavita's POV

uff the annoying guy wont leave my back

so annoying

red carpet!

ok,so i am preety pretty sure that i have a subsitution right now but still i will check

ok yesh it is my subsituition!!!!!

finally something great

so i will just go to the library to complete the assighments and also do some sketching and then to the cafeteria

and yea i love sketching

in fact i am an artist!
well lets go to the library!

but before that i change my mind i need my coffee FIRST i need my energy!

in the library

i was busy doing my sketching

yems, i thought of doing sketching first and then assignments and then again sketching

i know i am wierd

so back to where i was

i am sketching, headphones blasting music in my ears suddenly i felt a tap on my shoulder

i turned around and zade!what is he doing here? btw he is in my class so yeah

he asked,"can i sit next to you?"

"yeah sure!"

"btw your sketching is fantastic!and yeah if i was disturbing i am sorry its just it was our subsitution and i was bred so i came in the library and i dint know anyone exept you so yeah sorry"

"oh no dont be sorry i love company"

and just like that i made a new friend and he was actually pretty funny and reallty bright

i like this guy he is so fun to be around!

but i thought someone was watching me but still i ignored it

reyansh's POV

i was roaming around the building and was passing by the library

but suddenly through a window in i saw in the library her!


she looked pretty-

shut up reyansh!

ok yeah so as i was saying i saw her sketching when someone came upto her and i saw....ZADE?!?!

yeah ik him he is rishika's gud friend well not in our friend group but her friend

and they were talking like they were soulmates!

they kept on talking he sat next to her and blah

and i had this fire burning inside me ugh so annoying!



is reyansh in love?????

find out by reading more chapters

and yeah please vote 

btw i wrote this book because i dint find this kind of book so yeah

secret reaveled!

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