44. Back to school

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He didn't come back after that. My father stayed with me until it was time for my sister to come back from school, choosing to leave right as she was about to arrive home. He didn't want to overwhelm her with his presence just yet, was what he'd said, but I knew better.

Fucking coward.

I smiled as I greeted my sister from the doorway, watching her face fill with genuine joy as she ran straight towards me and threw her arms around me, giving me a tight and warm hug.

We spent the entire evening by ourselves as mom was apparently M.I.A again, preparing dinner and eating together like we used to every once in a while, casually chatting about what happened in my absence at school, I myself being forced to lie after every question of hers as I obviously couldn't tell her the truth about what happened to me in those two short days I'd spent at Nathan's.

I didn't bother going to school for the remainder of the week, too scared to face him again for various reasons.

I didn't want to see his face again. Not after what happened between us, that night we spent together, and what followed after. Those words I'd said to him. That look in his eyes as he shouted his anger back at me, making me feel so fucking stupid for uttering those damn words in the first place.

I sighed and hugged the comforter tighter to my chest as I laid in my bed, forcing myself not to think about how good it felt to have his arms wrapped around me, soothingly holding me as I bawled my eyes out. The way his warm skin felt against mine as he held me that morning, feeling his amazing scent with every breath as our bodies touched, free of the barriers of our clothing.

I'd even dreamt about him. Feeling the phantom of his enticing touches, his hot kisses as he made love to me, over and over again just like he did that night. I'd wake up in the middle of the night, sweaty and horny as hell after every dream, my heart beating fast and my nether regions pulsing with need after every erotic image my mind composed.
I didn't dare trying to relieve myself though. I couldn't give in to my body's sexual desire as I evidently feared that it would only make me want more and more...
So I just took cold and refreshing showers after every single sex dream, going back to sleep right after.

But when Monday finally came again, I couldn't feel more irritated and depressed as I still wasn't in the mood of ever seeing him again.

I didn't want to. I couldn't.

Oh God please don't make me do this, I mentally whined as I climbed in the car, watching my sister give me a sweet and genuine smile as she sat in the driver's seat.

I forced myself to return her smile, thickly swallowing as I buckled my seatbelt and laid back in my seat, mentally preparing myself for what was about to come as she turned on the engine and drove off.


I was a nervous wreck by the time we had arrived, barely holding myself in check as I took my backpack with trembling hands and hauled it over my shoulder, silently praying for the whole goddamn building to crumble to bits or something as I stealthily peered around the parking lot.

"Are you coming, Care?"

I lightly startled and nodded in reply, forcing out another smile as I linked my arm with my sister's, allowing her to guide me towards the school's entrance.

We'd barely walked past those double doors when the screeching sounds of someone screaming had me instinctually recoiling with fright, my gaze narrowing as soon as I noticed Kayla running towards us like a crazed cheetah with Jess in tow.


I was instantly tackled with hugs and girly shrieks as they reached me, bombarding me with a shitload of questions as they dragged me to our lockers.

I stoically endured it for the whole time, keeping that fake and stupid smile plastered over my face as I patiently answered to their every single question, spewing out lie after lie after lie as they flocked around me like chickens, eating them out of my palm.

"We missed you so much, dude," I heard Kayla say as she linked her arm with my sister's, earning herself a raised brow from me.

"It's only been like, a freaking week dude," I said in reply as we started walking to our first classes.

"Yeah but still, it felt like a lot you know," She said with a pouty face, making me smirk and blow her a kiss.

"Yeah I missed you too, bitch,"

She gave me a toothy grin, blowing me a kiss in reply as we laughed and walked down the hallway... Until my gaze casually landed on the school's news board.

I thickly swallowed, abruptly stopping as I looked at the board now filled with pictures from the Fall Prom, my eyes pausing on a certain picture.

It was a photo of David and I, that specific angle making it seem as if we were passionately kissing as you could only see his back to the camera and my arms wrapped around him, holding him close whilst his head dipped forward.


Another complication I didn't need on my list.

I almost felt like slapping myself with disbelief and frustration, mentally screaming right before I heard Kayla casually say,
"You guys had some fun that night, didn't you?"

I turned my head to face her, just in time to watch her wiggling her eyebrows as she sported a sly grin, already knowing what she was about to say.

"Did you finally go all the way? Is our Davy-woo the one who won the prize, who had the honour of popping that sweet and precious cherry?"

And there it is.

Unfortunately, she didn't stop there.

"Is our little Care-bear finally down to...fun? Did he make a woman out of you? Ooh, did you try the other stuff too?"

I could feel my blood boiling in my ears as I stared at her, about to flip her off when something in the background caught my attention, my face falling and my heart leaping in my throat as my gaze fell on none other than the "fabulous six", their stances so cold and flawless as usual as they made their way straight towards us.

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