45. The lone wolf

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I anxiously looked around for any means of escape, my head spinning as I noticed the totally relaxed and smiling faces of my girls as the pack of wolves approached us, their stances devoid of any signs of fear or even uneasiness.

So they're fucking friends now?

I casually watched them greet each other, those smiles still plastered on their faces as they started chatting, that Christian guy openly displaying gestures of affection towards Kayla whilst my sister talked with the trio of wolfy vipers, Jess being the only one that looked at least a little bit uneasy around them, visibly avoiding to look them directly in the eye as she politely smiled, keeping her answers short.

It felt like I was watching them from somewhere afar, none of them seeming to notice my presence as they continued to chat around, their voices sounding a little muffled in my ears as I could feel my blood pressure increase, my breathing becoming erratic as well.


I continued to look for a way out, desperate to get out of there as slowly but surely, I was starting to feel so fucking suffocated, my increasing heartbeat ringing in my ears as my gaze accidentally collided with his, aggravating my current situation.


My eyelids fluttered, forcing myself to tear my gaze away when his suddenly shifted, staring somewhere past me.

I didn't need to turn around and follow his line of sight as I already knew exactly what he was looking at.

The news board.

I could feel beads of cold sweat starting to form on my temples, my heart pounding faster than ever as I abruptly turned around and shoved myself past my girls, high-tailing it straight towards the bathroom before anyone could even try to ask what was wrong with me.

I ran and pushed past the entrance, going for the sinks as I felt in dire need of some cold, refreshing water.
I turned on the tap and splashed some on my face, struggling to regain my breathing as I leaned myself forward with my hands on the edge, finding my own gaze in the mirror.

I looked like shit.

My hair was crazy, I had some darker lines under my eyes and my skin looked rather yellow instead of my usual golden tan, my lips looking equally pale.


I traced my fingers through my hair in an attempt to smooth it out a little bit, giving myself a few slaps and pinches afterwards as I tried to make myself look at least a little bit more alive.
I couldn't go back out there looking like this. My girls would start asking questions. And I absolutely knew that there would be no other way for me to answer to them without having to lie. Again and again and again.

"Fuck," I blew out a tired sigh, giving myself one last glance in the mirror before I turned around and finally exited that bathroom, casually noticing the deserted hallway before I turned to the direction where my first class was, my lips escaping a startled gasp as I almost collided with one of the other two wolfy vipers from Nathan's pack.

I think her name was Zara, maybe?

I didn't know for sure but I didn't bother asking either, about to apologize and go my merry way when she suddenly stepped closer, gently touching my arm as she asked,

"Are you okay?"

My lips parted open, unsure whether to give her a snarky comeback or answer politely as that genuine concern glinting in her brown eyes had me so damn confused, wondering what made her act so kindly when I suddenly noticed Jess stepping from behind her, her timid gaze carefully darting around before she quietly said,

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