Chapter 4: Making Up

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"Y/N!!!!" screamed Saki. I haven't been at school for even a minute yet. And already, Saki flew towards me and hugged me. I knew she felt bad, it's her nature. "I'm so sorry Y/n. We didn't mean to hurt your feelings. We just got excited is all." Saki explains, starting to tear up. "I don't ever want to make my best friend feel hurt ever again!" 

I giggled, "Saki, it's okay. I understand." She saw my smile and instantly felt better. She released the hug and smiled softly to herself. "You walked home by yourself last night Y/n?" Ichika asked, both her and Saki looked very concerned. "No, Tsukasa walked me home." I said. 

"Oh good." Ichika sighed with relief. "He is always so worried about you, ever since we were kids." Saki laughed. It felt like I was shocked by a tube slide. What? 

"He worries about me?" I asked, trying to swallow my excitement. I can't have her find out, especially when-

"Yeah! He constantly asks about you. He must really care about you, he isn't like that with Ichi, Hona, or Shiho." She continues. WHAT. My blush was now more prominent. I covered my face with my hand as the redness continued to spread. Saki and Ichika giggled as the embarrassment started to creep in. Oh no. 

"Y/n, why are you blushing so much? You can't handle someone caring about you?" Saki, teased.  I got myself in check and said, "Haha, yeah you know." This is so obvious, I am such a bad liar. Finally the bell rang and we headed off to class. Thank god.

I sat in class, basically sweating at the thought of Saki finding out my feelings for her older BROTHER. It has been years, so many years. Maybe it's silly to not tell her something innocent like that, but we have considered each other family for so long. I always felt she would be mad at me for it, since her and Tsukasa are so close. Maybe I'm overthinking things-

"Y/n? Are you okay?" Ichika asked, both her and Saki hovering over my desk. I looked at the clock and saw it was lunch time.  Oh lord, how long have I been sitting here like this? "Oh, yeah!" I said, springing from my seat. "Let's get lunch."

"Good news Y/n! Shiho has agreed to meet up with us after school for band practice!" Ichika says. Saki was hopping with joy in the background. I love her, she's so silly.

"That's great guys! I'm happy for you." I smiled. "Wanna come with us tonight, Y/n?" she asked. "Of course" I said. I would love to see Shiho again, it has been a while.

After school, we met up with Shiho at Ichika's house. I think she thought recording studio but it's not like we own one. The three of them set up their instruments and began playing. It was so nice to see them play, if only Honami was here. Their faces lit up like the Leonid constellations they told me about. Even Shiho cracked a little smile. After they played their song, we smiled lightly at each other, the sweetest little reunion. 

"I have never seen you smile like that before Shiho." I teased. "I missed this." She said under her breath. How sweet. Suddenly, Saki got a phone call and stepped out of the room for a bit. She came back soon afterwards and rushed over to me. 

"Y/n, Tsukasa wants your phone number."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 13 ⏰

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