Chapter 15, Plans

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Warning: Mention of rape and emotional torture.

Grace's POV

Sam unlocks my chains, i'm so weak and tired. He was gentle as he carried me to  the bathroom. Setting me into a warm tub of water, without a word Sam bathed me carefully. After I finish the bath, I dress with some assistance. Then Sam escorts me to the table, I ask him,

“Could you please leave the chains off? i'm so very tired.  There's no way that i'm going to run away from you.” Sam nods, and stops pulling at these chains,

“One wrong move, and we will chain you.” I nod quietly, the food looks good. Sam puts some medicine down beside my plate of food.

“Boss says the doctor left these for you to take. They seem to be supplements.”

I nod slowly, taking the supplements. I then start eating the food slowly, not desiring for it to come back up. Sam frowns at me, I shake my head as I speak.

“I just need the food to stay down that's all. i'm sorry.”

Sam's POV

i nod, as he eats as well. We ate silently for the rest of  the meal. Afterwards, Grace went to her room to rest, i checked on her periodically seeing that Grace was sleeping.  A short while later, Pablo enters the suite. He arches his brow,

“How is the little one doing?” Pablo asks with interest,

“She's very sore and tired very well. She ate slowly so she wouldn't get sick. As of right now she's sleeping soundly.” Pablo seem to like that, as I hand him the key.

“I like the idea of her being exhausted in the beginning, it makes her able to break into submission. i'll check in on her. Then the three of us can talk.” Pablo walks into the bedroom closing the door.

Pablo's POV

I walk into Grace's room, and yes she was sleeping. I sit down, on the bed. She  stirs slightly, as her eyes flutter open. Her brows furrow and frowns at me, as I grab her wrists putting them back into restraints. This deepened the frown o her face,

“Why  did you feel that you  need to do this.”

Grace asks softly, as she glares at me. I lean forward  kissing Grace deeply and  roughly, I squeezing her neck firmly to make sure  she'll allow me to enter her mouth. Grace allows due to lack of air, she's panting when I part from her. Smiling, I tell her.

“Rest well You have long days ahead of you, with training and being pregnant.” I tell her, as she continue to glare at me. I stroke her cheek for a few moments,

“Why do you need to put the chains on me? i'm not going anywhere. You guys lock me in here. Even if I get out of the estate, I have no idea of where I am, or where to go .”

 I see a moment of defeat in her eyes, before I see her mask it. I couldn't help but smile. I stand up with a smirk,

“This is good to know, You need to accept  your situation. You'll never see your husband and kids again. No, I will not unchain you. The fact  that you ask to be unchained the more I need to.”

I see tears fall  down her cheeks, I smile as I leave the room. I lock the door behind me.”I see my two friends waiting for me, I sit down across from them, we start in on our meal.

“Is she still sleeping?” I nod, as I take a bite of food,

“Yes,  she briefly opens her eyes, so I put her back in chains so she realize that i'm in control not her.” I proudly say, as we continue to eat. ***

Jamie's POV

I stayed a few extra days to plan a rescue mission for Grace, yet i'll need to bring some of my own men to help with the rescue. At home, I could see things were calm. I did the business that needs  to be handled, nothing so serious you could say. I had asked Aidan to come back with me, I respect his input. So I set up a meeting with my  uncle and men. After everyone is seated, I clear my throst,

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