Part 1: The meet

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It was Monday of March and the smiling critters were meeting catnap and this was their first time meeting him

Dogday: Hi everyone we are meeting a new critter they said his name is catnap.

Crafty: I hope he likes painting and drawing.

Hoppy: and I hope he likes to play soccer.

Bobby: I hope he likes hugs!

Piggy: I hope he likes Food.

Bubba: Of course he likes food but I hope he likes Math so I can give him math problems.

Kickin: I hope he likes surfing.

Dogday: Well he comes.

?: All this is catnap you can all introduce yourself.

Dogday: hi my name is dogday I'm the leader of the smiling critters nice to meet you!

Catnap: ...

Catnap didn't say a word because he was nervous and didn't like to meet new people

Crafty: hi my name is crafty.

Hoppy: hey my name is hoppy.

Bobby: HI! My name is Bobby.

Bubba: Hi my name is Bubba

Kickin: Sup the names kickin.

Catnap: M-my n-name i-is deep breath in my name is catnap.

Dogday: I like your name I was the first one here and it was fun for me to meet everyone.

Crafty: he's right and it was fun to meet him.

Dogday: let me show you around.

Catnap: Okay.

Dogday took catnaps hand and showed him around after that dogday told catnap about him and stuff after all the stuff dogday told catnap made catnap have a little bit of feeling for dogday but won't tell dogday because it will be weird because they just meet so he will wait and wait to be continue

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