Part 2: The game

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Everyone was going to dogday's house because they were going to play truth or dare

Dogday: is everyone here?

Crafty: I think so

Catnap then opened the door because he was late

Dogday: Catnap nice for you to join us come sit

Catnap went and sat next to dogday

Dogday: so who's going to go first?

Hoppy: Me!

Dogday: Okay go

Hoppy: Dogday truth or dare?

Dogday: Truth

Hoppy: who do you like?

Dogday: Idk who I like

Hoppy: when you look at one of us does your heart beat?

Dogday: No

Hoppy: okay

Dogday: who's next

Kickin: Me Catnap truth or dare?

Catnap: dare

Kickin: I dare you to kiss dogday

Everyone went silent they all were shocked by what kickin said they all look at dogday and catnap whose faces were red they then both looked at each other and catnap did the dare because he had to they both were kissing catnap could not believe it they both then broke from the kiss dogday and catnap were both blushing everyone was screaming because of what happened some were still shocked

I'm going to cut it here because it's 4 am and I am tired night.

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