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"Audrey! What are you doing here?" she asked, more surprised than anything at the unexpected appearance of her ex, her former skating partner and closest friend.

Audrey's dimpled smile spread across her features, crinkling the corners of her warm brown eyes. No matter how many years it had been since their joint competitive days, that smile never failed to fill Sophia's chest with comfort and familiarity.

"Please, like I would miss being here for the biggest competition of your life so far," Audrey replied, pushing her way insistently past Sophia into the room without waiting for an invitation.

Sophia couldn't help but shake her head in fond exasperation as her ex made herself at home, collapsing dramatically onto the armchair.

"You know how important my pre-competition rituals are to me," Sophia lightly chided, securing the door and turning back to face Audrey. "I was in the middle of my meditation when you so rudely interrupted."

"Oh, I'm sure you've got plenty of time to get back into that zen mode of yours," Audrey waved a dismissive hand. "This is an occasion for your best friend to come provide some much-needed moral support!"

Despite her words, Sophia didn't miss the way Audrey's eyes scanned over her, likely checking to ensure Sophia appeared rested and focused for the upcoming event. She knew her old partner wouldn't have risked disturbing her if she didn't have full confidence in Sophia's readiness.

"You just couldn't resist getting one last look at me before I take the ice, huh?" Sophia couldn't resist teasing with an arched eyebrow.

"As if!" Audrey scoffed, though the tips of her ears burned slightly pink. "Don't flatter yourself. I've just come to make sure you don't have last minute jitters!"

The two friends held each other's gaze for a beat before simultaneously dissolved into laughter, tension melting from Sophia's shoulders. Trust Audrey to know exactly how to cut through her nerves.

"Seriously though, Sophia..." Audrey said once their chuckles subsided, expression turning serious. "I'm so proud of you. All the work, all the setbacks you've fought through to make it to this point - you're really amazing and you'll do just fine tomorrow."

Throat tightening with a sudden swell of emotion, Sophia quickly crossed the room to pull Audrey up into a fierce hug, tucking her face into the crook of her ex's neck. She felt Audrey's arms instantly wrap around her just as tightly.

"Thank you," Sophia murmured roughly against Audrey's shoulder, letting herself draw courage and comfort from the familiar embrace. "For everything. I couldn't have done any of this without you there pushing me, catching me whenever I stumbled. You're the most important person in my life, Audrey. You know that, right?"

She felt more than heard Audrey's trembling exhale. "Of course I do! We're soulmates - partners for life." Audrey pulled back slightly, cupping Sophia's face in her hands as she stared at her with shining eyes. "Even if we're not together anymore, that doesn't mean that I'm not important in your life! That bond can never be broken."

Sophia felt her eyes well up at the fierce devotion in Audrey's words. She leaned forward until their foreheads pressed together. "I don't know what I did to deserve you in my life, but I'm so happy to see you here," she whispered thickly.

For a long moment, they remained holding each other. Then Audrey let out a watery chuckle. "Enough of that sappy stuff. We don't need that right now."

Laughing in spite of herself, Sophia swiped away the tears on her cheeks. Audrey gave her one last warm look before straightening. "Now, I don't know about you, but I'm starving. What did you --" A knock sounded at the door then - room service with Sophia's dinner at last. Audrey immediately moved to answer it, waving Sophia aside before she could protest.

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