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With that, she was out the door and headed towards the town car waiting to carry her to the arena hosting this year's Grand Prix Final. Sophia looked out the window as the driver pulled away. She couldn't wait for her event to start but there was still plenty of time till then.

When she looked up ahead, the arena came into view. Swallowing hard, Sophia straightened in her seat as the driver pulled into the parking complex reserved for athletes and staff. This was it - go time.

Once inside, Sophia was immediately swallowed up by the controlled chaos of the Grand Prix Final preparations. Ushers in official uniforms whisked her through a series of corridors towards the women's locker room, making sure she was checked in and received her credentials.

Eventually, Sophia made it into the privacy of the locker room area, where she began removing her street clothes and changing into her first costume of the day. With her hair secured back into its trademark tight bun, she couldn't resist doing a little twirl in front of the mirror, watching the fabric swish around her legs.

She knew the first official practice group wouldn't be for another hour, giving her time to go through her full pre-competition routine. Right on cue, her phone buzzed with a new text from her coach.

Made it to the arena and getting set up with the team. We'll see you out on the ice in an hour for your first run-through, yeah? Don't forget to stay hydrated and keep those legs loose!

Smiling at her coach's instructions, Sophia quickly tapped out an affirmative reply. She tucked her phone away and slipped in her airpods before she queued up the playlist she specifically made for competition day.

As the music filled her ears, she could already feel her body relaxing into the zone. Grabbing her skates, Sophia exited the locker room and made her way to the competition arena to find her team.

The competition arena was already busy despite the main events being hours away still. Television crews were putting the final touches on their rinkside setups, arena staffers rushed this way and that making last-minute preparations, and other skaters beginning to filter out for those precious few practice sessions.

Audrey made a rude noise, shooing Sophia away with a laugh. "Oh please, when have I never cheered for you? Now get going already before I have to physically throw you out of here!"

Laughing herself now, Sophia blew an exaggerated kiss towards the other woman. "Love you too, you big goof. See you soon!"

With that, she was out the door and headed towards the town car waiting to carry her to the arena hosting this year's Grand Prix Final. Sophia looked out the window as the driver pulled away. She couldn't wait for her event to start but there was still plenty of time till then.

When she looked up ahead, the arena came into view. Swallowing hard, Sophia straightened in her seat as the driver pulled into the parking complex reserved for athletes and staff. This was it - go time.

Once inside, Sophia was immediately swallowed up by the controlled chaos of the Grand Prix Final preparations. Ushers in official uniforms whisked her through a series of corridors towards the women's locker room, making sure she was checked in and received her credentials.

Eventually, Sophia made it into the privacy of the locker room area, where she began removing her street clothes and changing into her first costume of the day. With her hair secured back into its trademark tight bun, she couldn't resist doing a little twirl in front of the mirror, watching the fabric swish around her legs.

She knew the first official practice group wouldn't be for another hour, giving her time to go through her full pre-competition routine. Right on cue, her phone buzzed with a new text from her coach.

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