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Bobby had everything packed and ready for her sleepover. She couldn't wait to see her friends and especially Dogday, though she was a bit nervous. She didn't know why, they'd done sleepovers many times before. But the thought of being with him, Dogday, overnight.. it felt different this time.

She rang the doorbell, bag in hand. Hoppy came to answer the door, gave her a huge hug and they walked in together. Everyone was in the living room playing a board game, and they cheered and smiled when they saw Bobby.

"Bobby!" Dogday exclaimed, louder than everyone else. He patted an empty spot next to him, "Come sit with me. You and me can be a team since we already started."

She smiled and sat next to him, and they exchanged a quick hug. Snickers came from Hoppy and Kickin, and once Dogday glared at them they kept quiet. Flustered, Bobby leaned her face against Dogday's arm, hiding her face a bit.

As they took their respective turns, Dogday helped Bobby pick what moves to do next. He held her hand and guided it as she picked the pieces, and his touch made her skin tingle. She blushed furiously, and he gave her his casual but charming smile. Her friends all giggled more, which made her blush and hide.

The night goes on, snacks are passed around and eventually everyone settles in their sleeping bags with Dogday on the couch.

"There's extra space up here," he says, "if anyone wants to sleep on the couch."

Hoppy smirked, "Bobby should, you know she doesn't like the cold floor."

"Or she just likes Dogday." Kickin teased.

Ignoring their comments, Dogday smiled sweetly at Bobby, "If you'd like, you can. Plenty of room, I promise I won't bite."

Hesitantly, Bobby nodded and joined him on the couch, their friends errupting in 'oooohs' and 'awwwws'. Dogday rolled his eyes, wrapping one arm around Bobby. "Are you comfortable?"

Bobby smiled up at him, snuggling against his chest. "Very comfortable, thank you. Are you?"

"Also very comfortable," he blushed, "goodnight everyone!"

Everyone said goodnight, and laid down in their sleeping bags with their pillows and stuffed animals, attempting to sleep. Bobby couldn't seem to keep her eyes closed tho, every now and then she'd catch herself looking up at Dogday, and eventually he blinked his eyes open and met her gaze.

"Are you okay?" he said softly.

She nodded, "I'm okay."

"Can't sleep?"

"Yeah.." she sighs, clinging to him. "Thank you for letting me stay here with you. I'll probably sleep well once I actually knock out."

"Want me to pet your head?" Dogday asks, giving her a charming smile once more, "might help you fall asleep faster."

"I would love that..~" Bobby says, giggling a little.

Dogday gently strokes his paw across her ears and head, calming her body but making her heart race. She snuggled up, starting to fall asleep as she felt a gentle press of warmth against her forehead.

"Sleep well..~" It was Dogday's voice.

She said nothing, but smiled, and heard Dogday chuckle in reply. She fell asleep quickly, feeling safe in his arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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