Chapter - 6 : Something Is Suspicious

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[one week later]
Yiyang came back from his dad's place.

Yiyang - I gotta hurry.....

He hurriedly left from dorm and entered in the class and silent sat beside Sneha.

Yiyang - Good afternoon....... (leaning closer to her ears)

Sneha - (started and looked at him) g-o-od-d af-t-tre noo-n....

Yiyang - why are you shattering? (smiled)

Sneha - nothing..... For nothing.......
Oh gosh, I was completely breathless...... What is happening with me?? Concentrate Sneha, concentrate on lecture.......

[the class ends and they all greeted Yiyang as Fuyao is annoying him. They went for the club activy. There were some foreigner came to their university for visit. They were Mexican and speak Spanish. Li-xun is good at Spanish, German and French so he was on charge to show them their university and grow the image]

Visitor 1 : Sabíamos un poco de chino para la comunicación básica por aplicaciones (We knew a little bit Chinese for basic communication by apps)

Li-xun - ¿Hubo algún problema en el camino para venir aquí? (Was there any problem on the way to come here?)

Visitor 2 : No, es fascinante aquí. La gente usa la tecnología inteligente para comunicarse, es bastante nuevo para nosotros... (No, it's fascinating here. The people use smart technology to communicate, it's quite new for us....)

Li-xun - Con mucho gusto, señor, Déjame guiarte desde aquí..... Déjame guiarte desde aquí..... (it's our pleasure, sir. Let me guide you from here.....)

Everyone was looking at them that how he easyly communicates with them in Spanish. His accent doesn't hears like Chinese. It's more loke an average Spanish or Español speaker.

Li-xun - I'll meet you guys at café at 6.30 pm....... (left from there)

Sneha - (murmured) it was quite fluent......

Miao miao- Sneha should we go somewhere? For fun!

Sneha - but I've job to do.....

Fuyao - As I know you still have 2 hours........ Let's go to the game bar and play some games......

Miao miao- that's a good idea. Sneha, let's go there.....

Sneha - but_

Fuyao - no but.... Let's go (he started pushing her by her shoulders and turned back) hey you two..... Let's go dude, come!

Yiyang - let's go then.....

Miao Miao - Yiyang, you like Sneha, right?

Yiyang - (slower his steps) yes

Miao Miao - really? Then why don't you confess her.....

Yiyang - I would, but it's too early..... She will be creep out if I tell her now. What will she think, that I met her about a month and already in love?!

Miao Miao - Yup..... Take it slow will be the best way possible to make her stay..... But you can't hide it forever if you goes like that, right?

Yiyang - it's true.... But for now..... Keep it a secret

Miao Miao - Done (salutes him and joined Fuyao and Sneha)

At the game bar, they were trying to grab the plushies from the clatcher...... Sneha was trying it for the first time until now she only saw it on dramas now she is trying it...... she was having a great time playing this but after some time she was disappointed cause she couldn't pick any of them.

Yiyang - (comes beside her) which one do you want?

Sneha - that one..... (points towards a purple bear plushy)

Yiyang - ok....... (leans on her from behind and putting his hands on her which was on the controler, leads her how to do it)

She was completely flinched for that moment. Her complete focus was on his rubbing chest to her back. And his face was so close to hers and without even realizing...... Yiyang got the doll for her and gave her.... She come back to her senses.....

Sneha - thanks Yiyang.....

Yiyang - mention not.....

Fuyao and miao miao was completely schoked by them they cleared their throat as a renpons to them and then all of them ate takoyaki, Chinese noodles and etc.

[at 6.30pm]
Li-xun went to the Caffè where Sneha works as said and met up with others.......

Fuyao - xun, here......( Bowed his hand from table)

Li-xun - how are you doing guys?

Miaomiao - (started to talk about everything they did and also about Yiyang and Sneha.....)

Li-xun - huh? Really?

Fuyao - shhh! He or she will hear us........

Yiyang was gone for washroom and Sneha was serving coustomers. After a while Yiyang comes back and Sneha gave them their orders and go back to the counter.

Yiyang - Do you guys know anything about her? Like how she was in India or something......

Fuyao - Are you stalking her?

Li-xun - Give up.......

Yiyang - no, I have a feeling that I've seen her some where........

Miao miao - This much coincidence does not happen usually _

Li-xun - Just tell him miao miao.....

Miao miao - so it's like......

She told Yiyang everything about her whatever she told them and know about her this far, including the temple story......

Miao miao - She said, she is not here to find him or anything..... But he was her inspiration to come here....... Like you're also Yiyang and visited India once in your childhood....... How could that matches so well. Trust me, if it's comes to know that you're him..... then I'll date whoever you want......

Yiyang smirked and they confused by his sudden reaction.

Li-xun - what happened?

Yiyang - Nothing......

Then Sneha came to them and they started chatting and goofing about current situations in university and having fun......

Starting Next month, somehow everyone got busy to their works and studies and they barely get time to meet outside and talk to each other properly...... They do communicate in the group but it's not a complete conversation. Then their spring semester exams has come and they get even busier.


Sorry for late update guys...... I was kinda busy these days with my exams..... But I can assure that from now I will update more frequently.


I Wish : [I could meet him again] Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant