The Day that changed everything

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3rd person POV...

Drago was flying around the forest enjoying the gentle breeze hitting him as he flew over the forest, Drago looked at the beautiful scenery and the glorious sun as he flew.  As the great dragon flew over the forest he didn't know that Drake,Draco's son was secreting following Drago,Drake followed Drago who flew down to the forest ground. Drake stayed away from Drago's sight as he watched Drago collect wood for their fire back at home when Drago looked over in Drakes direction which Drake quickly hid behind the bushes. Drago did't see him so he went back to collecting firewood. Drake peeked out again to see Drago was gone when he suddenly felt someone behind him,Drake turned around to see Drago standing there with a disappointed expression on his face. "I'm really disappointed with you Drake,me and your father have told you not to leave the cave, your to young to venture out into the human world,what would your father think if you got hurt?" Drago said. "Sorry,Drago,I just couldn't help myself! I was just so curious what the Human world was like" Drake said "I understand that but--" Drago started to say when he and Drake both heard a loud car crash which Drago immediately took to the sky followed by Drake as Drago spotted a car crashed into a tree. Drago landed onto the ground nearby the car along with Drake "stay here" Drago told Drake who nodded before Drago cautiously made his way over to the car to see that the car had fallen down from a steep hill and crashed into the tree,Drago could also see that something attacked the car. Drago could smell blood coming from the car,Drago looked down at the windshield to see a man dead in the front seat,he was the one driving when suddenly the passager side door started to open which made Drago curl up o the ground camouflaging into a rock as he watched a gravely injured women climb out of the car slightly covered in blood,she made her way over to the back car door as she collapsed against the side of the car. Drago knew that she was dying as flashes of when Gareth was injured and he saved him,Drago closed his eyes as he knew beyond his better judgment that he needed to help like he did for his friend Gareth all those years ago. Drake stood on the sidelines watching and to his surprise Drago lifted his camouflage and approached the dying  women who looked at Drago and to Drago's surprise she wasn't scared of him,like she knew about his kind. "Please,please save my *Cough* son,please" the women pleaded,Drago knew that she wasn't gonna last much longer,he lowered his snout "please,he's a innocent boy,please help him" the women pleaded as Drago could smell a familiar scent that he knew too well,Gareth's . Drago looked at the women "I will,he will live,I promise descendant of Sir Gareth" Drago said as the women closed her eyes and her shoulders fell down,Drago could sense that the women was gone,he bowed his head before he approached the car. Drake watched as Drago used his claws to pull open the damaged door before he lowered his snout peering into the car to see the little boy still seat belted in his seat. Drago could sense that the boy was still alive but had sustained serious injures from the crash. Drago gently unbuckled the boy who gently fell onto his paw which Drago gently took the injured boy out as Drake slowly walked over to be standing nearby Drago as Drago gently set the boy onto the ground. Drago looked down at the boy as more flashes of Gareth appeared in his mind as he could sense the boy's heart,he could sense innocence but also bravery and courage the same things that Drago had sensed in Gareth,a true knight. Drago remembered his old friend Gareth,how he protected the eggs from Brude,how he upheld the code like a true knight should,Drago then looked back down at the dying boy knowing what he had to do to save the boys life.

(Start at 1:11)

"A knight is sworn to Valor" Drago began to say as he began to cut his scales with his claw "his heart knows only virtue,his blade defends the helpless" Drago said as he gently reached into his chest. "His might upholds the weak" Drago said as he took half of his draconic heart which shined bright yellow "his word speaks only truth" Drago said as he used the talon that was glowing yellow to gently cut the boy's skin where his heart was located before Drago's heart merged with the boys heart "his wrath undoes the wicked" Dragon finished before he looked down at the kid who was now breathing normally. Drake walked over to be standing next to Drago,Drake looked down at the boy too before looking over at Drago "now what?" Drake asked "you will go and get your father and Siveth,tell them to meet me at the nearby orphanage" Drago said which "yes sir" Drake said as he flew off while Drago gently picked up the boy with his claws before he flew off into the sky not knowing that someone was on the top of the hill watching him.

Time Skip... 

Drago gently set's the boy down on the front steps of the orphanage,Draco and Siveth landed next to Drago,Draco looked at the boy seeing the cut on his chest. "He and you are?" Draco began to say "bonded,yes,it was the only way to save his life" Drago said as Siveth looked over at Drago "I thought you said to avoid all human contact?" Siveth asked which sighed deeply. "I had to when I sensed the boy's heart,his heart reminded me of my friend,Sir Gareth" Drago said as Draco studied the boy. "He has the true heart and spirit of a knight,just like Sir Gareth,Sir Bowen and Darius,he will become a great knight" Draco said. "In time,but when he's old enough" Drago said which Drago then despite the pain pulled out one of his fangs which seemed to hurt the boy a little as he set the tooth on the boy before he walked up to the front doors and knocked on the wooden doors with his claw before he,Draco and Siveth flew over into the forest where Drake was. Drago and the others watched as the orphanage's front doors opened as people came outside finding the little boy before they got him inside. Draco,Drake and Siveth all flew off to their home leaving Drago who gently touched his chest as he felt the boy's life force.

"Meet you soon,Sir Jaxon Aaron"


The car that had crashed still where it was,the boy's dead mother's body still where she took her final breaths. Soon two dragons landed on the ground in front of the crashed car,it was Smaug and Griffin,they were both traitors to all dragon kind. Griffin smelled the air as he caught a scent that he remembered all to well. Griffin growled as Smaug turned to look at his fellow dragon comrade "what is it?" Smaug asked "Drago was here along with Draco's hatchling" Griffin said "so Drago still lives" Smaug said "he was here,he took the boy,the boss won't like this" Griffin said when he and Smaug heard "oh that you lost the boy? the only one who can stop my plans of world domination?" a female voice asked which both Griffin and Smaug turned to see there master move over to them. 

"We are sorry master,but Drago got his hands on the boy" Griffin said as The Chameleon walked up to Griffin holding her staff

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"We are sorry master,but Drago got his hands on the boy" Griffin said as The Chameleon walked up to Griffin holding her staff. She stood there before she smacked Griffin in the face "you lost the only one who can stop my plans!" The Chameleon shouted in anger "but we do have good news for you master" Smaug said. "What is it?!" The Chameleon said anger "both of the boys parents are dead" Smaug said as the Chameleon looked over at the two bodies of the boys parents. "Your forgetting one thing,Smaug" The Chameleon said  "what is that then master?" Smaug said when suddenly The Chameleon shape shifted into Smaug as she roared at Smaug

"That isn't the boy's FATHER"  

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