Chapter 8

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A/N: Double update coming tomorrow because TEA will be going down in those chapters haha! In the meantime though, have some slight sibling angst!

Kathryn had only been asleep for a few hours when Becky came stumbling in from the night previous—also around the time that the men were getting up for their missions. The notion that the nurses were the epitome of virginity wasn't one that was entirely accurate—but each one of them knew enough to keep their heads down and to not say anything about it.

Because talking about things like that was how you got into trouble. It was how girls from back home got called easy and how men kept on getting away with it. The only difference was that now was a time of war and that there were real stakes attached to messing around with the pilots.

So Kathryn kept her mouth shut and didn't say anything about Becky's exploits the night previous. She just got up and got ready for the day, already dreading what was to come.

And while Kathryn Egan was still fighting a headache from drinking a bit too much the night previous, she wasn't entirely prepared to find Bubbles already waiting in the hospital wing and totally sick as a dog from the night previous.

"Major Egan swapped me out, Nurse Kat," Bubbles said, shivering slightly.

Kathryn handed him a warmer blanket. "Well you shouldn't be going anywhere. You're running a fever," she stated dryly. "Too much fun last night?"

He gave a tired chuckle. "I guess that's one way to put it."

"Who'd they replace you with?" Kathryn asked curiously, beginning to tidy up the bed next to Bubbles.


"The one who pukes?"

"That's the one!"

Kathryn just gave a grimace. "Well I hope he's got better luck than you, Bubbles."

"You and me both, Kat." Bubbles promptly turned and threw up into a bucket.

Kathryn could confidently say that she felt the exact same way as he did at the moment. She wasn't much of a drinker and considering that the last time she had seen her brother, she had slapped him, she wasn't feeling all too great about the way that she had left things with him. And it wasn't just her brother in the air today. It was all of them.

She glanced out the window, seeing smoke rise up in the air. She could wager a guess that Lemmons and Wink were having the boys clean up the runway with fire. Sammy and Billy had been looking forward to it all month.

Sincerely, Kathryn hoped that they were having a better day than she was.


Lunch with the other nurses presented a unique conversation—Kathryn wasn't a stranger to girl talk, per say, but it wasn't something she was totally altogether used to either.

"So are we going to talk about it?" Poppy finally questioned, unable to take the silence in the break room.

"Talk about what?" Annika questioned, taking a bite of her sandwich and giving the other nurse an inquisitive look.

"The Major punched a man last night—"

"Which one?" Laura demanded, eyes wide.

"All because Kat was cryin'!" Poppy exclaimed.

Almost immediately, Kathryn was met with the steady gazes of four nurses who all looked like they had more questions. "Oh stop it—" Kathryn insisted.

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