Chuseok Day

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💫For those who don't know, what is Chuseok Day?
Chuseok, also known as Korean Thanksgiving Day, is a major harvest festival and a three-day holiday in South Korea. It's a time for families to come together, give thanks for the harvest, and honour their ancestors. People typically visit ancestral graves, share traditional foods, and participate in cultural activities during this time.

Today, Y/N didn't have much work at the embassy, so she's coming home early. It's 2 o'clock right now, so she's taking a short nap because she has to go to Jimin's house at 4 o'clock.

She woke up at 3:30 and got ready after refreshing herself and wearing casual clothes. Since it was a festival and they were just going for dinner, something casual would be appropriate. After getting ready, she reached Taehyung's house because they were going together.

Taehyung: Hey, princess, come.

Y/n: (sitting on the couch) Are you ready?

Taehyung: Not yet. Go to the guest room, there's a hanbok placed for you. Get ready to wear it. We are all wearing traditional dresses today. I'll also get ready in the meantime.

A little while later, Y/n came to Taehyung's room wearing the dress. Taehyung had also put on his dress.

Y/n, coming to Taehyung, frustratedly said, "Tae, how do you tie the knot of this hanbok? I've been trying since then but it's not happening. I even tried watching a video on YouTube, but I can't get it to tie properly."

Taehyung chuckled at her cute frustration and said, "Wait, let me show you how to tie it. You try tying yours the same way."

Then Taehyung was teaching her, but still, Y/n couldn't tie it properly, and an incorrect knot formed. Then she sighed and gave up, saying, "I won't get it right. You tie it for me."

Taehyung hesitated a bit because the knot was on her bosom part. So, he asked her again, "Are you sure?"

Y/n replied, "Is there any other option then? You tie it."

Then he came closer to her and started tying the knot carefully. Y/n's heartbeat stopped for a moment. Taehyung was also feeling uneasy. His hand was trembling slightly, and then accidentally his hand pressed against her bosom.

Taehyung and Y/n both widened their eyes, and Taehyung immediately moved away, apologizing repeatedly. He felt extremely guilty. Meanwhile, Y/n couldn't help but smile at his behaviour, feeling a wave of affection. She was thinking about how much of a gentleman he was.

Then Y/n pulled Taehyung towards her and wrapped her arms around his neck, looking into his eyes. She said, "Tae, why are you feeling uneasy? I'm your girlfriend. Relax and don't keep saying sorry." Then she gave him a peck on his cheek.

Now Taehyung was blushing hard, and Y/n found him incredibly adorable. Then Y/n moved away from him and asked, "Okay, now that the knot is tied, tell me how do I look?"

Now, a mischievous thought crossed Taehyung's mind, and he approached Y/n closely until their faces were just a few centimetres apart. After observing her face for a moment, he whispered softly into her ear, "You look good in every dress, and I'm pretty sure you'd look gorgeous even without it." Then he smirked and stepped back.

At first, Y/n was puzzled because Taehyung was so close that her brain stopped functioning, and she couldn't understand anything. When Taehyung stepped back, after a while, Y/n's brain started working again, and she understood what Taehyung meant. She then exclaimed, "Taehyunggg..." and lightly hit him. Now, she was also blushing.

Taehyung seated Y/n in front of the mirror on the table and softly said, "Stay here." He gently combed her hair, adding a beautiful hair accessory, then carefully applied kajal and eyeliner to accentuate her eyes. After that, he applied a lovely light pink shade of lipstick, adorned her with earrings, and stood behind her, gazing at their reflection in the mirror. With a tender smile, he whispered, "Done."

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