Hearts Reunited

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The next day, BTS departed for Korea once again, catching an early morning flight. Y/N and Saanvi went to the airport to see them off. After bidding them farewell, they returned to their room, freshened up, and headed to the MAE headquarters for their training.

The soft hum of the evening filled the air as Y/N and Saanvi tried to unwind from their long day. But while Y/N managed to find some semblance of calm, Saanvi was far from it. She kept glancing at her phone, her mind swirling with thoughts of Jungkook.

"He must have landed by now," she thought, her frustration growing. "Not even a single message. All those big words, and now he's forgotten me. Huh." She considered sending him a message but then sighed, realizing she didn't have his contact information. "I'll ask Y/N," she decided. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I'll ask her for his number."

But she quickly second-guessed herself. "No, no, no, Saanvi. You know if you ask Y/N, she'll tease you to no end." Her internal battle raged on, and Y/N, noticing her friend's turmoil, couldn't help but be amused. She decided to let Saanvi stew a little longer before stepping in.

Suddenly, the silence was broken by the sound of Y/N's phone ringing from the other room where it was charging. She walked over and saw its video call and Jungkook's name flashing on the screen. Surprised, she picked up the phone.

"Hello, my dear princess. How are you? Missing me, BTS, and your Tae?" Jungkook asked, flashing his adorable bunny smile at Y/N.

Y/N rolled her eyes and responded, "Just tell me what you want. No need for this act, monkey."

"Me, acting? I'm naturally this charming. And you, my lovely princess, I just called to see if you were missing me," Jungkook said, scratching his nape sheepishly.

"Okay, you've seen me now, and I'm perfectly fine. So, bye. I'm ending the call," Y/N said, trying to suppress her laughter and pretending to be disinterested.

"Wait, wait, don't hang up! I need a favour," Jungkook hurriedly exclaimed when he saw Y/N about to end the call.

"Ah, I knew it. There's no way you'd be this sweet without needing something. Sly monkey," Y/N chuckled. "Alright, what do you need?"

"Y/N, I actually need to talk to Saanvi, but in my hurry, I forgot to get her contact number," Jungkook admitted, hesitating slightly.

"Can't handle being in Korea without her, huh? Missing her that much?" Y/N teased.

"N-no, it's just that she became a good friend in such a short time, and I wanted to stay in touch," Jungkook stammered, knowing Y/N would make him work for the number.

"Okay, I'll give you her number, but on one condition," Y/N said, laughing.

"What condition?" Jungkook asked, curious.

"Call me Noona,(elder sister)" Y/N said, still laughing.

"What?" Jungkook was taken aback. "Noona? You? Never. First of all, you're younger than me, and now you want me to call you Noona? Impossible. Forget it. Not even in your dreams," Jungkook shook his head, refusing adamantly.

"Okay then. You can forget about Saanvi's number," Y/N said with a wink, reaching to end the call.

"N-Noona," Jungkook whispered, avoiding eye contact.

"What? I didn't hear you," Y/N said with a chuckle.

Jungkook sighed, "Fine. NOONA. Now, can you please give me her number, Noona?" He was frustrated, thinking about how he had to call the girl he once liked "Noona" because of her stubbornness.

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