Sad Past

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The sun brought light into the bluenette's room making Marinette to open her eyes. Last night was hectic, she barely had enough sleep. Her parents had finally decided to let her receive the training from Arthur. Tikki was still asleep clinging to her owner out of fear that she might lose her. Marinette slowly pulled Tikki off and placed her on a mini makeshift bed. She did a few stretches before ascending down to the living room. Her mother and father were busy with some arrangements, making her confused.

"Morning mom and dad, if you don't mind me asking, what is going on here?", her parents noticed her presence and from the looks of it they didn't have a good sleep either.

"Your not the only one who's getting a fresh start" her father said making her even more puzzled.


"Arthur also made your mother an offer, he owns a building some minutes from her, a big one and it comes with a fully furnished apartment and a shop downstairs. Isn't that great", Marinette was baffled, she knew he is rich but she didn't know he was that rich. Like who in their right mind gives someone a building, if she didn't know any better she would think Arthur is in love with her mother. The funniest thing was the fact that they seem okay with this and why didn't it happen in her previous life. "So?"

"Well, me and your father are going to go check it out while you watch the shop. We only had a few things to bake so it wouldn't be much trouble, and yes your never going back to that horrible school. Arthur said to pack your things he's picking you up three days from now so start packing.",her parents seem to have finished with what ever they were doing. They kissed her cheeks and said their goodbyes, rushing out the door.

That was eventful. Marinette grabbed some cereal and wolfed it down, she did not have dinner yesterday so she was very hungry. She took her shower, feed Tikki and opened the shop. Not even few minutes customers came in, as usual she smiled at them, engaged in few conversations so the were satisfied with her service. The bell rang again signaling another customer, this would probably be the last as the goods remained few. She look to she the person, she froze it's Zoe. Marinette breathed heavily, she was feeling so many emotions at once, sadness, happiness and anger. Zeo made her way towards her after looking around.


"Hey", she stressed, her breathing becoming harder.

"You okay?", Zoe asked with concern, making Marinette's heart melt, she was still as kind as ever.

"Yeah, never been better. What can I help you with?", seeing Marinette's breathing returning to normal, she ordered some things. During their interaction they both couldn't help smiling at each other, Zoe felt like she had known her for years, like a best friend." Would that be all", Marinette's voice was like a sweet melody to her. She searched her memory to see if she had met Marinette before but she couldn't get anything.

Their hands touched as she passed the pastry to Zoe, they both blushed. "Can I have your number", Marinette asked shyly hoping Zoe wouldn't get the wrong idea and be creeped out. Luckily for her Zoe was fine with it, they quickly exchanged numbers.
The stared at each other for a long time time. "Please don't forget to call me if you want want to talk".

"I... I wouldn't, I would love to chat...well I guess this is goodbye. Bye" Zoe waved as she made her way out.

"Goodbye, Zoe. It's a pleasure meeting you, hopefully we see again", Zoe stopped, she turned to look at her, a smile on her face.

"I hope so to", with that, she left unable to see the tears froming in Marinette eyes. Tikki quickly closed the shop so she could comfort her owner without any interpretations. Marinette was bawling at this point, past memories filling her head. Once again she hated herself, if only she wasn't that easy going and naive she could have saved her. Tikki hugged her with more force hoping to remind Marinette she is always there for her.

"Marinette, what's wrong? Why are you crying? Did she do something bad to you?, Tikki asked growing more and more worried of her owner's behavior.

" Tikki, I'm a bad person. It's all my fault, if only I was good enough none of this would have happened. ", she cried more.

Flashback : (warning mention of gore and death)

.... In the future, time unknown. The heros were battling with one of the most dangerous villain they've ever fought. Ladybug being the great leader she is gave out instructions to every member on the team as she fought head on with her opponent. Out of nowhere a blast was shot at her, Zoe acted fast and used her body and a shield. The blast sent her flying back to a semi destroyed building, further damaging it.

Some members of the team immediately rushed to her but when they got there, they were horrified. Zoe stomach had a severe cut, her guts hanging out she didn't not have much time. "Lady... La... Ladybug", she weakly called out. Ladybug came to her, tears in her eyes.

"No.. Please... It can't end like this. Please your one of the only people I have left. Why would you do this", Ladybug cried out, it seemed like her world had ended. Years of trauma and abuse evident on her face, she wished it was a bad dream. Unfortunately for her it wasn't.

"Do... Don't cry... Live well... For me... Beat that piece of shit. Don't waste... Time on me... Go... go... Remember that I would always... That...", she could not finish the sentence before her life was cut short. She had died a hero, one of the greatest hero this world has ever seen. Marinette cried more unable to leave her side, someone had to pull her off for the battle was yet to end. Everyone was depending on her so she had to end her mourning. Even though Zoe did not get to finish her sentence, she knew what she was about to say. Many times she would tell her, especially after a battle. I was just three words but it held so much meaning.

"I Love you"


Marinette narrated everything to Tikki. She was known more determined than ever to protect her future and be the Marinette that she was always meant to be. The Perfect Marinette.

Her parents soon came home, they had sorted everything out. A new life was waiting for them and it wasn't going to be the life of sadness or failure. It is going to be a life full of love and happiness, the life future Marinette always wanted.


Well that's all for now folks, please tell me your thoughts about this in the comments and get prepared for more action and drama in the future. I will try my best to be posting daily.

Love you guys.

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