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Gregoriah: his normal dialogue when you get on his floor

Infected: 1'm $c4r3d.

Miche: Lmao funny prank lil guy...it's a prank right.

Dr Retro: It's gotta be...

Pest: We're screwed.

Chat reset.

Split: Did you guys come off from the same level as me?

Poob: I didn't see a lot. I was playing hide n go seek with a friend. A hide and go seek on the super duper ooper cool rollercoaster, to be exact!!!

Dr Retro: That sounds fun, I also just got out of some elevator, not sure how I ended up in yet another elevator. I was playing some lazer game but there were no lazers. There was a red animatronic in one of the rooms..

Miche: Did someone summon the flood?

Gregoriah: regular introduction

Split: The flood? What's the flood?!

Gregoriah: his regular dialogue when you get to his floor..again.

Infected: 1 th1nk 3v3ry0n3 h3r3 i$ h1gh on s0meth1ng her3, not ev3n 1 or any 0f my fr13nds are c4pabl3 of th1s much r1dicul0usne$$ 4nd w3 w3r3 4ll h1gh 0n shr00m$ l4st n1ght. (WHAT.)

Miche: What kind of place just has a elevator floating in the middle of nowhere anyways?! This is insanity...and even I'm already insane.

Gregoriah: still talking abt the flood

Dr Retro: Where even is the high ground?

Gregoriah: Yeah idk, let's go explore the rest of this building, I like exploring!!! 

Regretevator C.ai chats but I turn it into little fanficsWhere stories live. Discover now