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I could hear my older sister and aunt fight. While I was in a room, hearing them, I know I really despise family fights. They make me so worried, I'm just stuck with worry and concern.

As I can hear them stop, did my aunt kill my sister? Or.. Or.. Nevermind. I didn't even want to check. I was scared, too scared. I'm just overworrying, right? It's not like one of them died, right? Right...? Right? I'm just overworrying myself.

..What's wrong with me?

Suddenly, I can hear footsteps.. Then the room's door open. It was my sister.

" Sigh... Stupid aunt. I can't believe we're here with her. "

My sister, Mezzo scoffed. She was the only one who loved me, unlike my aunt. My aunt treated me like... how do you say this? Sh..it? Shit? Sorry, I don't quite know...

" Mero... Are you okay? "

Mezzo asked me that. I'm pretty sure she noticed I'm overworrying myself due to that fight.

" I... I..."

I felt like having a verbal shutdown. I didn't know what to say. I hope Mezzo tries to understand me... at least.

" I can see your worried. Don't worry, fights usually make anyone not included in that worried and scared. "

Mezzo did understand me. I just stayed silent for now, as I felt like I couldn't talk for a while.

Me and Mezzo had to stay in a very crap..py.. Very crappy room. And.. And uh.. My aunt lives in a very fancy room and she calls us.. peasants.. Which was very rude.

Our aunt.. didn't really love us that much. She also didn't let us enter... her.. her room.

Meanwhile, I could hear Mezzo playing the lyre. The tunes were so beautiful, I wish I was her...

I wish I can play music.. But I knew I suck at doing anything. Not even trying.

I just wish I was perfect. I wish I can have a good skill. I wish...

I can just do something.

By the time it's time to sleep, I just slept.. Next to Mezzo. Like I'm gonna see a new day.

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