Show Him How

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"Wait a moment, Penn is a girl?!" Brock exclaimed.
Boone and Sashi nodded, obviously nervous of the result. How was Brock going to take this? How was Vonnie going to take this? How were Penn's aunt and uncle going to take this?!
To the part-time wiseman and sidekick's surprise, the fainted
boy/girl's parents laughed.
"Now, that's a joke, Sashi!" Vonnie laughed.
"...Mr. and Mrs. Zero, I'm being serious," Sashi stated. "Penn got his gender switched while standing on the MUT!"
The parents glanced at each other as they punched a slime monster in the gut.
"Well, Sashi," Vonnie said, this time seriously, "you'll just have to show Penn how to be a girl."

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