Ticket To LA

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As Sashi walked "Penny" home, she worried for her friend. How was this going to affect the team? How was this going to affect their missions? How was this going to affect Penn's school grades?
"Sash, how are we gonna explain this to my aunt and uncle?!" Penn suddenly exclaimed.
The Asian girl rolled her eyes.
"They know you're a part-time hero. They'll see it as a normal thing for you and it'll be fine."
Penn nodded, unsure of Sashi's plan. He/she waited on the sidewalk and his/her friend went up to the door.

Penn's P.O.V

Okay, Penn. Let's get everything straight. You turned into a girl, your parents know about it, Sashi is gonna help you out, and now your aunt and uncle are gonna find out and freak out about it.
...I'm dead. I am so freaking dead. I should've listened to Boone and Sash when I had the chance. I shouldn't have snapped at them. This was officially the worst day of my life. I just can't win. I should just give it up.
My ringtone began playing.
Give it up, you can't win-
"Dude! I got a ticket in the mail for a trip to LA!"
"And why should I be happy about that?"
"Because I gave it to you, Penn! I don't really need it."
I thought about this for a moment.
Stay in Middleburg and be thought of as a girl by your friends, or go to LA and make new friends?
"...Thanks, Boone."
I ended the call and looked in my mailbox. There was the ticket.
LA here I come...

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