Part I: A New War

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(4 years later)

Stardome was safe once again at a time of peace ever since Blue and Percy defeated the Goddess Helena and liberated the Kingdom. However, with Starlight gone for good, Blue would soon have to take her role as Queen. The coronation was only weeks away, yet Blue could already feel the stress and anxiety of living up to Starlight's rule. She took a deep breath in and walked towards the balcony of the castle. Artemis, now age 20, put his hand on her shoulder.

"You'll be fine," he reassured, "This is just a normal, lowkey announcement."

"I know, I know," Blue replied, smiling back at him, "I just want to be as good as her. Do I look okay? Is there anything in my teeth? Is my hair combed okay? Should I get it cut at some point?"

"I think you look fine," Artemis told her, seeing that her outfit was just her casual wear and trying to give her a confidence boost, "Now, go out there, and do your thing!" Blue nod her head and began to walk forward.

The moment she reached the balcony, the people of the town began to cheer, joyous to see their soon-to-be Queen. A bit overwhelmed at first, Blue took a deep breath in and took in the environment around her. She smiled at the people below her feet, waving happily to them. Fireworks began to go off from behind the castle, displaying various colors and patterns to represent the figure of royalty.

"The fireworks seem a bit much," Blue muttered to herself. As the cheering died down, she cleared her throat and prepared to speak to them."

"Greetings, People of Stardome!" she announced, "It is with great honor that I say..." Before she could continue, a violet comet fired in the distance, averting her attention away from the people. As her eyes became mesmerized by its beauty, a slow ticking of a clock played in her head, her reality beginning to feel a bit distorted. She clenched her forehead, feeling a headache more painful than anything she had ever felt. Not a second later, she began to feel dizzy, eventually her legs giving way for her to fall to the floor. Artemis and the people gasped, the former confused as ever as to what happened. He rushed over to her, seeing if she was okay.

"Blue!" he exclaimed, "Are you okay? Come on! Wake up!" He felt her forehead, colder than a stormy blizzard.

"What did that comet do to you?!" he asked in a panic. Feeling worried as the blood rushed to his head, he attempted to pick her up and bring her to her room, to no avail. Two of the soldiers nearby came to his aid and lifted up the princess and carried her to her room.

Blue was still alive, but something strange was going on.


(Far, far away from Castle Town)

In a dimly lit throne room, surrounded by glowing growth modulation pods with the SOULs of humans and monsters contained inside them, A woman in a golden mask stood at the throne, holding a staff with a red crystal at its head. Around her neck was a golden locket, a symbol of whom she held dear to her heart.

Spotlights activated, revealing two young girls in black uniforms with lavender hair.

"We've been here for two years," the first one began, "Don't you think that the princess would have found our location by now?"

"I doubt it," the other one replied, "The castle hasn't been visited in years. They'd be foolish to set foot in here again."

"Regardless, when is this plan of domination going to happen?" the first one asked, "It seems like stalling at this point. I mean, if Helena could do it, I don't see why we can't."

"Silence your voices," The Masked Woman demanded strictly, "Helena would have succeeded if it were not for one variable that compromised her entire plan. The one who wields the power of eternity. Born from the Goddess of Cosmos herself, she must be erased at all costs. Do you understand that, Lavender and Violet?"

Star Fairy Chronicles IVDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora