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Upon arrival in the Sympathia Sea area, Elizabeth, Emile, and Layla were greeted with a vast body of water, spreading further than the eye could see. In the sea that stretched thousands of miles, there were many island formations where the inhabitants of Sympathia Sea lived. Their main method of travel was by boat, or for native Sympathians, flying. As the group left their carriage, a cool air blew peacefully.

"Ah, now this is more like it," Layla said as she took in the sweet breeze from the sea, feeling a sense of tranquility, "A large body of water, perfect for swimming."

"Yes, you can go swimming in it, but I wouldn't recommend it," Emile replied, "You don't know what kind of monsters could be lurking in there. And also, pirates."

"Pirates," Elizabeth questioned as she raised an eyebrow, "Are you sure about that?"

"Surely, you, the genius of this group would know about them," Emile pointed out, "I mean, did you think all Star Fairies born of Starlight are going to be pure saints?"

"Well, no," Elizabeth responded, "But do you really think there would be pirates in this part of the world?"

"Maybe Emile is onto something," Layla said, "It is a large body of water after all. Surely there's gotta be at least some people interested in robbing boats."

"Thank you," Emile replied, confirming Layla's idea.

"Focus," Elizabeth told them, gesturing her hand towards a large island in the distance, "The recent attack occurred on that Island Village. We need to travel by boat to get there, because I don't we're all on board with swimming over there."

"Alright then," Emile responded, squinting his eyes with suspicion, "But if we get attacked by pirates, that's on you."


Upon arrival at the boarding dock, the group was greeted by a Sympathian captain of a small speedboat.

"Welcome travelers," he began with a cheerful and upbeat attitude, "I presume that you wish to travel the seas and investigate the scene of the most recent attack."

"Yes, that's exactly why we're here," Elizabeth confirmed, curious as to how he knew their intentions, "But what made you suspect that?"

"Because some bunny girl just took off in another boat for the same reason," the captain replied, "I think her name was, what was it again? Clara?" Layla turned to Elizabeth.

"He must be talking about Clarice," she suggested, "But what would she be doing here?"

"Perhaps the attacks are from outside this universe, and as such, she would need to be here," Elizabeth deducted before turning back to the captain, "We'll take one ride towards the Sympathian Islands please."

"Right this way," the captain instructed as he let them on board.

"Just a quick question," Emile began as they were boarding, "Do you know about any pirates in these waters?"

"Don't be ridiculous," the captain laughed, "Pirates were abolished long ago. The odds of seeing one nowadays is incredibly rare." Emile raised an eyebrow, not buying what he was saying one bit.

"Thank you for your reassurance," Elizabeth cut in, "Now, let's go."

Upon arrival on the ship, Emile headed up towards the front of the ship, on the lookout for any threats in the vast sea. Elizabeth, on the other hand, found more pleasure in studying the architecture of the boat. The technology of the boat was much more advanced than it was centuries ago, running with a motor instead of hand rowed. Layla found enjoyment in staring at the vast deep blue sea, fantasizing about going for a swim in it at some point.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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