First Day of Hell (2)

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Zillah Zorin 

I might not look nervous but I am, the first day of school is always the scariest but y'know what's there to be afraid of I mean what's the worst thing that can happen? 

Amina and I are currently dropped off at our school we both walk into the school and into the office. 

As we meet a middle age woman with gorgeous features she's so pretty.   

"Hello you must be the new students Amina Zorin and Zillah Zorin if I am correct." She says as she types on what seems to be our schedule. 

"Yeah." Amina and I synced together. 

"Okay so these are your schedules and come back to the office if you have any struggle with finding your classes." I smile and head out of the office. 

I say my goodbye to Amina and walk in the hallway. 

205 Basler. 

I kept walking when I couldn't find it I wanted to get in my car and go home and what felt like forever I finally found it. 

I reached to open it and found a full class just staring at me. 

It's because me black isn't it.  

"Oh you must be the new student would like to come to the front of the class?" Ms. Basler asked. 

"Oh I really don't want to can I sit?" I ask when the whole class erupts of laughter. 

I really didn't mean to sound rude I just don't want to go up there. 

"No I think everyone would like to listen about you." She says while giving me a look over my outfit, see I wasn't trying to be rude then now I want to.  

The school is really expressive and doesn't have a dress code so I said why not dress up for school.

I suck in a breath and go in front of the class. " Hi I'm Zillah." I said in the driest tone. 

Damn you're so dry.  

"Okay now you can sit down." She says with an sass. 

Ms. Bitch it's your fault in the first place I didn't even want to go up there.  

"A seat next to Asra would be fine." Asra raised her hand. She has pretty blonde hair and full lips. 

I sit next to her and plop myself down.  

"I could tap that ass It looks really nice." An ugly ass nigga says behind me only me and the girl next to me hearing. 

"You know for a guy named Chad you really have a big ass ego so you should shut it for I shut for you." Asra says stepping up for me see this is why I love girls so much. 

"Thanks people really don't have decorum sometimes." I tell her. 

"No real, but can I see your schedule?" She asks I reach into my bag and hand it to her. 

"Oh we have most classes together and you into cheer too? I could show you around." She offers. 

"Thanks, this school is big ass hell I had a stroke while walking up those stairs." I tell her. 

"No right, because how are you so huge and you don't have an elevator?" She says. 

"Dinara is going to love you we're going to be like the three musketeers." She tells me as she hands me back my paper.  

"Do you have something to share with the class?" She asks. 

"Unless the class wants to hear about how my organs almost burst I don't think so." She says with a fake kaboom. 

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