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I probably should have brought this up sooner – I'll be reviewing books based on the order of comments in the form chapter. This means the older entries will be the first ones I review, and the latest ones will be the last.

Now, here's the current list. Once I finish reviewing each, you'll see a checkmark next to it, along with a new chapter in this book.


1. If You Asked Me To by AprilJester ✔️

2. The Kingmaker by YouCanCallMeCorn ✔️

3. Unrobing Pen by tonyatwraxall ✔️

4. SHS by _Baby_A_A_ ✔️

5. The Chocoholic's guide to Love by Ipsitalali ❌ (The book got taken down by Watt)

6. Love You Right by YchocoBunn

7. The Last Philosopher by NickfEast

8. Rich Re:grets by jachinthebox

9. King's Gambit by Krisha_Grim

10. Lost in the Fray by AsiaAlexandria

11. Ancilla by SeraDrake

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