4. SHS

11 5 2

 by _Baby_A_A_

Since the author of this book wanted a review in this form, here it is.

Title - 10/10

I think the title is great. The word "stealer" may not sound the best in this context, but I really like the short version of the title. If you change the last word, the symmetry will be broken.

Still, I believe you can use "seduce," "hack," and "steal," but that is entirely up to you. I think it is great in either case.

Book cover - 10/10

It is an excellent cover; each element is easily visible and readable. Initially, I wanted to give it a 9 out of 10 because, personally, I do not like real people on covers, especially if you can see their faces, but I decided that it would not be fair because it is a personal preference, not a mistake.

Blurb - 9/10

The blurb was also satisfactory. It has an intriguing premise and promises plenty of drama and action.

Because you mentioned that those three girls are best friends, we can expect some strong character dynamics, as well as themes of loyalty and friendship.

I liked how you ended the blurb because it piques the reader's interest.

The only thing that did not feel right to me was the pacing. Like the first sentence. I believe it is a little too dense. Maybe try breaking it down a little bit. For example, you could start with "SHS: Seducer, Hacker, and Stealer are three mysterious girls with dark pasts," followed by the rest of the blurb.

Plot - 10/10

This was a fascinating plot, one that I had never read about. It reminded me of a childhood cartoon I used to watch called "Totally Spies." Aside from the characters and world-building, I believe this is the main reason I enjoyed your book so much.

This story could have worked well on its own, focusing on their lives and missions, but adding a cop improved everything. This, I believe, is the most effective way to introduce a major conflict in your book.

Aside from the main plot, there are a few subplots that improve the overall story. I honestly do not think I have ever read a book that only had a plot and no subplots, but I digress. Returning to your book, I appreciated the themes of friendship and loyalty. Those two themes are essential in their field of work, as you made clear.

Characters - 10/10

At first, I enjoyed all of the characters except Josephine. I initially thought she was too focused on boys and appeared to be a superficial character, but my opinion of her quickly changed.

To be honest, my favorite character was Halsa, and I believe it was her innocence that made me like her so much.

I enjoyed the aesthetics you provided at the start of the story, and I believe the names you chose for your characters are unique. I mean, I have never read a book with characters named that, so this is strictly my opinion.

After much thought about your three main characters, I decided that I like them all and would not change anything about them.

Josephine demonstrates her ability to adapt to situations and maintains her confidence even when under pressure. Given how she conducts her missions, I can confidently say that she is a professional.

When it comes to Halsa, I believe she is not only a trustworthy partner, but also a trustworthy friend. She is also incredibly knowledgeable and protective.

Shaelynn is also a great character, and I appreciated her blunt demeanor as well as the fact that she, like Halsa, is protective.

My favorite aspect of the characters was how you created different personalities for them. Sure, you could have made them all have more in common, but this way you demonstrated to the reader that everyone can get along with one another if they want to.

Story Flow - 8/10

I can not say I was disappointed with the story flow because that would be a lie, but I also can not say I loved it completely. There were a few times when you moved at such a rapid pace that I assumed you did not know how to continue and simply skipped to the next scene.

We all do it, so there is no reason to be ashamed. I recommend that after you write a scene that you are unsure of, you give it a day or two and then re-read it to see if you have any ideas on how to improve it or how to proceed.

In this case, the scene in which Halsa is kissed serves as an example. I believe I would have lengthened this scene to increase tension and impact.

Grammar & Punctuation - 10/10

I found no major errors. In some cases, commas or ellipses are not used correctly.

It is not that big of a deal. They are appreciated, and it may improve fluency in reading, but it is not worth dying for.

Overall impression - 10/10

I enjoyed reading your book. The theme was interesting, and you brought back some memories that I had apparently forgotten about, as your book had the same feel as the cartoon I mentioned in the first few lines of this review.

In my opinion, your cliffhangers were excellent. The fact that your chapters were neither too long nor too short was something I really appreciated. They were of a reasonable length, and even if you had a longer chapter, you came up with a shorter one to keep the reader interested.

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