Patriarchy and Saraya

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Saraya defeated Julia Hart for TBS Championship, Julia Hart joined Total Nonstop Action and New Japan Professional Wrestling and even began training for Mixed Martial Arts aka MMA and Supermodel Careers too, with Hart gone for a while Rubi Soho and Cool Hand Angelo Parker came in there, Rubi Soho defeated Saraya and shook hands with her and Angelo Parker saved Daddy Magic Matt Menard and Daniel Garcia from an attack by Christian Cage, Killswitch and Nick Wayne, beating them all up, and Rubi Soho formed the Stable Ever - Rise and now finally they laid out their own goals one by one -

1. Garcia & 3point0 will win Trios Championship 

2. Rubi Soho will win Women and TBS Championships 

3. Garcia will win TNT Championship

4. 3point0 will become Tag Team Champions 

5. Jake Hager will become International Champion 

Garcia lost to Copeland, and with 3point0 defeated Acclaimed, House of Black & Elite and became Trios Champions and won a Trio Tournament in Mexico down the lane too, Rubi won World Championship as well, Jake Hager defeated Orange Cassidy, Roderick Strong and Jack Perry for International and Junior Heavyweight Championships and now finally Garcia defeated Copeland, Copeland and Cage were attacked by Mogul Embassy till Hook and Jericho came in, Jericho with Copeland and Cage won ROH Six Man Titles and NEVER Six Man Titles down there too, Hook unified FTW and AEW Championships and lost to Swerve Strickland and Satnam Singh the second time and now, Undisputed Kingdom attacked Ever Rise, Britt Baker joined in and attacked them all out, George Wardlow was attacked by Garcia and Parker, making him go out of action too. 

Shayna Wayne retired, Nick Wayne and Killswitch made an alliance with Ricky Starks and Big Bill down there and now, Ever Rise defended the titles against Nick Wayne Foundation, House of Torture and Kings of Black Throne and cemented the reign, winning Trios Battle Royal and finally ended it with Garcia defeating Cage and now finally with that, they had new enemies Mogul Embassy, Swerve went back into Singing and Brian Cage was training Garrett Borden and Steven Junior for Wrestling and now, Bishop Kaun, Tio Leona, AR Fox and QT Marshal attacked Ever Rise down and finally after 3 - 3 in Normal Matches, Ever Rise defeated Mogul Embassy and the group imploded as Brian Cage was attacked down alongside Prince Nana and Swerve Strickland and now, they met down with Nick Wayne foundation as Starks and Bill won Tag Team Titles again as Wayne won ROH Championship, Pure Championship and Killswitch won AAA Championship down there. 

Ever Rise defeated them in a Caged War Games and Big Bill was injured down, vacating the titles to Hardy Boyz and who retired down from there and Cage and Copeland won the titles and retired too till FTR had them again and now, Saraya returned and attacked Rubi Soho and it ended in a Ladder Match and Saraya shook her hand and left AEW and joined NWA and MLW and now, Rubi Soho and Angelo Parker won AAA Mixed tag team championship and Matt with Garcia and Hook won a Trio Tournament elsewhere too. 

Cage and Cope retiring, Patriarchy gone and Saraya gone, a new challenge emerged as Elite was back in Business as Adam Page saved Bucks and Okada from Kingston, Pac and Penta and now, Page and Bucks attacked ever rise too, and now, the war was being brought on. 

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