Chapter two: Reunion

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Kurapika would win. He knew he would.

When he had finally gotten out of the abandoned part of the city, he had rushed to the nearest library with a computer access. He accessed the Hunter website and located the IP address associated with where the license with the number 109824803292 last had been used. He was lucky! The user had recently been active only a few miles away, easily reachable by train.

Now, Kurapika was sitting in a rocking train wagon, his head leaning against the cold-glassed window. His blonde hair was drying from the heavy rain, curling slightly up at the tips – he could see the landscape rushing past his eyes, trying desperately to stay awake. When was the last time he had slept?

He half-fell asleep, but whenever he closed his eyes, he would see harrowing images, which would make his chest shrink and his breathing shallow – Last night, before he was captured and chained, Kurapika had been so close to defeating Chrollo.

His day had been pleasantly uneventful. Kurapika had just gotten a confirmation call for a new job and as a treat decided to visit the lake near his appartement. He sat on a bench, so close to the shimmering water, his black brogues nearly got engulfed by the rippling waves. He let the fresh air brush over his face as he watched the swans, floating gracefully on the sparkling surface. Suddenly, a man sat down next to him, crossing his legs and leaning back into the bench, his arms casually draping over the backrest.

Kurapika was so abruptly ripped from his simple bliss into the harsh realm of reality, he felt like he had been yanked from a warm couch into a blizzard.

The man turned his head to look at him through a few loose strands of his black hair, his eyes reflecting the shimmering lake beneath their feet. Kurapika jerked upright, his shoes dipping into the water with a splash, and raised his arms in a fighting stance. He was here.

"Long time no see," Chrollo put a finger to his supple lips, "I'd advise you not to make a commotion."

Kurapika followed his gaze to the people surrounding them, all seemingly engulfed with blissful ignorance, as they fed swans or played in the water. He understood.

The Spider put a hand in his pocket and produced a crumpled piece of paper: "I'm just here to drop this off."

He placed it on the bench and rose again. Kurapika reached out to stop him, grabbing him by the back of his black t-shirt: "Where do you think you're going?" he hissed, summoning the chain around his arms.

"It's fine."

For a moment, Kurapika was puzzled before realized the remark was directed not at him, but at the figure looming behind him. The Spider was incredibly fast. The cold metal of his sword, placed against Kurapika's throat got lifted and slid back into the sheath the man.

"Sorry, boss."

Emerging from the shallow water behind Kurapika, a lean man with a greasy topknot cursed about his wet shoes under his breath.

Death was so close to Kurapika he could almost grasp it. Would this be his demise? Killed, his feet half engulfed in the rippling waves. His blood would probably taint the water, reaching the nearby playing children. No, this wasn't how Kurapika wanted to go out. And he wouldn't.

Chrollo turned around, prompting Kurapika to let go of his shirt: "As you might've noticed, I got my Nen back."

Kurapika had of course noticed the aura, swaying unpredictably around his enemy's body like purple flames.

"I imagine you're quite eager to do away with me. So, I've kindly saved you the trouble of locating me. On the piece of paper is a time and place. Be there or I will find you."

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