Chapter five: Ice cream

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The sun was shining and the air smelled of fresh flowers, something that Chrollo usually never really bothered noticing. Not that it made him happy in any way, it just deepened his bad mood.

He was standing outside the airport and was waiting for a certain blonde to show up. The airships behind him were emitting a humming noise and the warm steam made Chrollo slightly overheated, causing his chemise to stick to his chest uncomfortably. He looked at his watch again; the airship would take off in fifteen minutes, if his bodyguard didn't hurry, they might miss it.

Ah, there he was.

Chrollo pulled his eyes away from the watch and towards the presence he felt sauntering towards him; the Nen felt just as violent as ever, but this time it seemed a little more restrained, akin to vipers coiled neatly within a vase, still being ready to strike with just the slightest irritation.

Kurapika was dressed in a black suit and carried a matching suitcase in his left hand. His blonde hair was neatly pinned behind his head to a bun and the sun illuminated his perfect features like a stage light. Chrollo felt a strange sensation in his stomach, but he couldn't pinpoint the exact cause.

He pulled the corners of his mouth up into a smile: "Well, how nice of you to grace us with your presence in time."

"Oh no, am I late? That must've been so inconvenient for you." Chrollo rolled his eyes- of course Kurapika would show up late on purpose to make pay him back for their fight.

"You're childish." Chrollo turned towards their aircraft; a Zeppelin with a drawn-on grimace. Kurapika scoffed: "Look who's talking."


He had deliberately decided to use public transport, since the enemy would expect him to arrive in a private aircraft of some sort. Now however, he started regretting his decision.

"Sir, can I have your seat? Little William here hates sitting at the back of the plane," Chrollo glared at the woman, who held a little bratty-looking boy by the hand, something that would normally shut pretty much every skilled hunter up, but not this lady,

"No," Chrollo said firmly. He wouldn't be separated from Kurapika, even if it was for just a bit, he could never be sure when the enemy was planning their attack.

The lady huffed angrily: "Fine, I'll just ask the person sitting next to you. Excuse me, young man–"

"No." Kurapika didn't even look up from his book.

"How incredibly rude," the woman looked fully affronted, but decided to try her luck with the couple in front of them.

Chrollo looked slightly bewildered at Kurapika: "Shouldn't you take the opportunity to be as far away from me as possible?"

Kurapika's ears turned slightly pink: "I would be a very incompetent bodyguard if I were to do that, wouldn't I?"

Apprehending something, Chrollo tried to suppress a grin, just as the aircraft started to come into motion with a hissing sound. He could feel Kurapika next to him tensing slightly. He acted as if he was reading but his eyes didn't move at all.

"Could it be that you have never flown before?" Chrollo inquired softly, trying to suppress his amusement.

Kurapika turned even pinker: "I've flown! At the hunter exam... I just don't particularly like the feeling of taking off."

Chrollo opened his mouth to make fun of his companion, but–

"If we crashed, I could catch you."

Kurapika looked at him blankly, Chrollo was just as astonished at his words as Kurapika was but didn't let it show: "What? I told you I'd keep you alive; don't think you'd get off the hook that easily."

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