Perfect morning

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Camerons POV
Location ; Camerons House.

New Jersey isnt so bad, its been treating me well so far nothing to crazy going on just too perfect but i cant complain can I? I sit in my thoughts butterflies eating away at my stomach just the tought of a new school knowing absoloutly no one makes me... anxious and nervous what if no one likes me or they think im some weird anti social freak in some cases I am, But still.

I slowly sit up my soft curly hair the night before is now laced with knots that are massive. Great way to start off the morning worries and a big head full of knots..I stand up and take a big stretch feeling a bit better I walk over to my vanity and bend down to see how bad I look and how much fixing im gonna need. "not too bad" I mumble rubbing my eyes standing back up walking over to my curtains pulling them open to see a big load of sunshine pool in from my window making me smile. Atleast its a sunny day.
I crack my window open letting a breeze settle into my room before walking over to my closet picking out a simple white crop top with some light blue denim jeans.

I sit down at my vanity and put a little bit of concelar on and mascara and a little finish topping, some lipgloss. Not bad I mean im not going to a fashion show its just school nothing too special. I decide to try and attack this hair and tame it again atleast ill make it look pretty for the first day. My spray bottle of water i need and a brush I grab my spray bottle and tilt my head down not wanting to ruin my fresh makeup. I completly coat my hair in water and take section by section detangling it.

Im finally done I grab a scoop of eco gel and do a half up half down type of hair style topping it off with a small white bow at the top where my pontail starts.
"im ready.." I look around my room giving it a knowing look that I wont be back for another seven hours I sink into my chair wanting to already go home and I havent even left my house yet honestly end me right now. I wish my old friends were here to make me laugh and cheer me up. Most of my pictures I have of all of them are packed up I havent even unpacked and I got here yesterday morning.
I should do that when i get home..
My stomach growls basically code language for feed me right now im gonna settle for some cereal. I sit up and walk over to my door giving it one more look saying a little goodbye in my mind before turning around closing my door.
I walk down the stairs into the kitchen to see my dad reading a news paper at the kitchen island with his go to cup of coffee that he needs to have everyday or... yeah, you just dont want to see him when he hasnt had his coffee anyways.

I make my way around the island and my dad notices me as he takes off his reading glasses giving me a small smile "Morning cam how did you sleep?" my dad is always so toughtfull about me and always asks me about my day or night, i grab the cereal box and turn around with a frowny face "not good im just nervous about this new school so i didnt get much sleep.." Dad gives me an apoligetic look and i pour my milk in my bowl, grabbing a spoon i take bite. I look up to see my mom walk in with a pretty suit on. "whats the occassion for such an outfit mom?" i raise my eyebrow asking her with a confused voice.

"i have my job interview today, I told you this last night." She says turning to me fixing her hair "how do i look?" Mom says averting her eyes between me and Dad.
"You look beautiful honey you'll do great today.. i know it" She just smiles and walks over planting a kiss on my dads cheek making me fake gag all they do is just laugh.
I check my watch "dad can you drop me to school?" He just nods his head I grab my bag off the floor and wait for my Dad at the front door.

"you ready?" he asks making me nod my head before walking over to the car and starting the drive off to school,
the butterflies getting bigger and bigger to the point where i wanna turn back or hey even jump and roll out the car if it means not having to go to a new school.

My dad pulls into the carpark and i mentally curse my whole bloodline praying today will go by smoothly "Cam were here.." I look over at my dad with a worried look "Dad im so nervous lets just go home." He just shakes his head and chuckles.. Hes laughing? While im in a mid life crisis wow "you will be fine ok? everyone has to do this eventually your not the only kid to be new cam" His hand rests on my shoulder and i huff opening the car door before hopping out i turn around to him "your buying me chick fil'a after school."
"ok fine but go before your late" I put my bag on my back and walk off but not before looking back to see my dad completly gone from the carpark, im screwed i actually wanna cry.

A deep breathe and continue walking to the entrance..

What a perfect morning


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