Oh its you..

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Connor's POV
Location; school

playing.... C U Girl by Steve Lacy

Iv'e had a shit morning so far.... woke up late and now im late for golf practice.Coach will not be happy.
I walk through the school halls everyone nearly on top of eachother getting crushed. I mentally groan realising I have to go to Mr Manning's class first. Failing biology wasnt on my to do list but it still made it's way on anways...I make a sharp turn around a corner and see Kiara..

I walk up benhind her and shake her shoulders making her squeal. "Boo" I whisper in her ear making her snap her head towards me before turning her whole body too me.
"Connor Noon too what pleasure do i owe you? mabye... another plead to cheat and copy my test again?" Kiara tilts her head and crosses her arms. She knows me to well.
I put my hands up in defence "ya caught me" I smirk and lean up against her locker on my side watching her put books in her bag..

Me and Kiara have been friends since we were butt as naked babies. Were insanely close and never shy around eachother she's the goofy person in the friendship and im the serious type in the friendship.
And basically everyones first impression of us is 'oh my god there definetly dating' which isnt true im pretty sure Kiara is lesbian she hasnt said anything to me about it but I can tell.

"what class do you have noon?" she glances at me before closing her locker and leaning on her side aswell now were both facing eachother "I actually have golf practice but I have to quickly run to Mr Manning's class most likely a lecture on how i failed my recent test" I shrug and shove my hands in my pocket hair falling in front of my face.
All she does is laugh "you really are something.. what did i tell you? study!" Kiara snaps her fingers in my face and I just smile.

The bell rings and she sighs "goodluck" she pats my back "hope you dont die" She says her lips falling into a thin line. I scoff and shoo her away before parting ways with her.
The halls become packed again people rushing to there classes to be on time. I walk up and turn a hall walking straight and a few meters up is a girl with a white bow and her curly hair in frame.
She's walking infront of me at a very slow pace and I dont have time but...she seems lost? come to think of it i havent seen her before.
I havent seen her face but she stops and turns around abruptly making my shoulder colide with her's but I dont have time so I walk off leaving her stumbling into someone.
Whoops, I make it infront of Mr Manning's class and Manning looks up realising its me his face goes cold. "no ones here yet so ill be quick with what i want to say connor, come sit for a minute" He gestures to the seat he's pulled up beside his desk "sure.." I place my bag on the floor and sit down there's a little bit of silence before Manning opens his draw and pulls out a sheet sliding it over to me.

"thats your score from last test, connor a F? you can do better" He says crossing his arms leaning back in his chair I didnt know my score was that low damn...
I pick up the test and see a big red circle on the front of it with a big ass F "look connor i like you, i really do your a great student.." I raise my eyebrows and give him a 'are you serious' look "yeah who am i kidding? but look if you keep failing im gonna have to ring home and talk to your parents.." My eyes widen watching Manning shake his head.
Yeah no.
My parents would kill me and take my phone and worst of all make me....'study' ew.
"for the meantime ill look into getting you tutor so come back tomorrow and ill give you the tutors name and you'll meet them at the library after school does that sound good?" Honestly no it doesnt but I really need a better grade so... "Yeah alright..." He just sigh and smiles "good now get out before my class fills up" I just chuckle picking up my bag and heading out the door.

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