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"Fuck it,"
she muttered under her breath, her heart pounding in her chest. She quickened her pace, determined to catch up to him before he disappeared into his classroom.

Her friends trailed behind her, sensing the urgency in her movements.

Navigating through the bustling crowd, she finally caught sight of him walking alone, with just one person nearby.

Without hesitation, she sprinted towards him, coming to a halt right behind him.

"Excuse me!"
she blurted out, her voice filled with a mix of nerves and excitement.

Startled, he turned around, his eyes widening in surprise.
Before he could utter a word, she took a deep breath and spilled her thoughts in a rush,

"You're... I think you're really pretty!"

Realizing what she had just said, panic washed over her.
"Shit. I said it. What do I do now? OMG, he's turning!"

He stared back at her, a perplexed expression on his face.
She couldn't bear to see his reaction, the one she had been eagerly anticipating all week.

Without looking back, she dashed away, leaving him standing there, trying to make sense of the unexpected encounter.

A Twist of FateWhere stories live. Discover now