Divyanka's Journey Begins

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Should I tie all my hair up or do a half tuck?" Divyanka asked herself as she looked in the mirror, holding up her hair in her fists. She eagerly awaited her mother's opinion.

"Tie all of them up. It's different in Delhi,"
her mother replied while packing Divyanka's tiffin in her bag.

Divyanka agreed.

They hopped into the car and drove to school.
As Divyanka got off and said goodbye to her mother, anxiety kicked in. First day of school in Delhi? Will she fit in? Will others judge her for coming from a small town in a different state?

But you know what? It doesn't really matter if she fits in or not. Divyanka has made up her mind that even if she doesn't make any friends there, she won't let it distract her from her goals.

Deep down, Divyanka knew she had made the right decision by coming to Delhi, even though she didn't feel the same way after the huge argument with her family. Throughout her school life, Divyanka has often felt alone, struggling to make friends in her previous school.

No matter how hard she tried, Divyanka just couldn't seem to fit in. Every friend she made at that school turned their back on her, assuming she was arrogant. Despite her best efforts, she was constantly neglected and felt like her skills were worthless. It seemed like history was destined to repeat itself, and she would fail to make friends once again in this new place.

Feeling lost, Divyanka had no idea where her class was. She wandered around, feeling overwhelmed. Spotting a teacher, she mustered up the courage to approach and politely asked,
'Good morning, ma'am. I'm a new student. Could you please tell me where 11F is?'

"Well, I reckon 11th grade is on the first floor. I'll take you there,"
the teacher replied.

Divyanka followed her to the first floor.
"Oh, Tara, she's a new student. Do you know where 11F is? Take her with you."

With that, the teacher went the other way, leaving Divyanka with the two girls. They kindly helped her find her class.

As she entered the classroom, Divyanka couldn't help but feel overwhelmed by the new surroundings.

Everything was so different from what she was used to. The first thing that caught her attention was how the girls had their hair down, and she instantly regretted tying her hair up.

She also noticed how everyone seemed to know each other. So many new faces! It made her wonder if she would be able to fit in and survive this new environment.

Divyanka's thoughts were interrupted when the teacher walked into the classroom and asked everyone to settle down. Oh man, here it comes, the classic introduction routine.

The teacher would introduce herself, and then it would be their turn to share something about themselves.
But you know what? Divyanka surprised herself on that first day of school. She actually ended up talking to a lot of people in her class.

Can you believe it? Making so many new acquaintances on the very first day! It was like a whirlwind of introductions and getting to know each other.

And let me tell you, she definitely experienced a major culture shock. Everything was so different from what she was used to. But you know what? Divyanka started to settle well. She made enough friends to help her explore the school and navigate this new environment. It's amazing how quickly she adapted!

Not only that, but she also made a good impression on the teachers. Can you believe it? Divyanka scored a perfect 25/25 on her first history test in this new school! Talk about starting off on the right foot.

So, one day Divyanka noticed this girl in the washroom during recess, and she could tell that the girl was upset. The girl kept turning around whenever someone entered or left the stalls, trying to hide her tears. Divyanka couldn't help but feel concerned.

She thought about approaching the girl and asking if everything was okay because, you know, you never know what someone might be going through.

After a moment of hesitation, Divyanka mustered up the courage and went up to her. As the girl was leaving the washroom, Divyanka called out to her, saying,
"Hey, are you okay?"
Divyanka looked back at her, feeling confused.

But she left without a word. Next day the same girl approached Divyanka and apologized afterwards

"Why are you apologizing?"
she asked.

The girl responded,
"You know, for ignoring you yesterday. I really didn't mean to do that. There was just a lot on my mind at the moment."

Divyanka understood and reassured her,
Hey, I completely understand! Sometimes people prefer to be alone when they're feeling down. I just wanted to make sure you were okay. No need to apologize for that!"

Suddenly realizing she didn't know the girl's name, Divyanka asked,
"What's your name?"

The girl replied,

And that's how Divyanka meets her ride-or-die bestie! After goin' through a bunch of friendships and friend breakups in just 2 years, Sneha, Kriti, and Trisha have always had her back.

As time flew by in 11th grade and she got closer to her final year of school, Divyanka knew these last two years of her high school life were gonna be absolutely epic!

"So, has anyone caught your eye yet?"
Tanya asks with a playful tone.

Tanya and Divyanka have a couple of classes together and their friendship blossomed over their shared love for kpop and kdramas. They've been through thick and thin, but Divyanka has learnt that it's important not to completely cut off people from her life, especially classmates. You never know who might end up being a cherished memory.

"Nah, to be honest, no one has really caught my interest,"
Divyanka responds, keeping her eyes glued to her phone.

"Right now, I just wanna focus on building myself up. Crushes and relationships can be major distractions, not recommended at all!"

As the rollercoaster ride of 11th grade comes to an end, Divyanka finds herself nearing her final year of school with a mix of excitement and uncertainty about what the future holds. It's gonna be a wild journey ahead!

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