Unveiling Emotions: The First Glimpse

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So, 12th grade, duh?
It's like a rollercoaster of stress and terror! Can you believe school only gave Divyanka and her mates a week off after the 11th grade finals? But you know what? As time goes on, they start adjusting to the 12th-grade environment.

The stress becomes part of their daily routine, like just another normal thing they have to deal with.

“Okay students, now I’ve shown you the previous year's history projects and you have seen how extraordinary they’ve made it. I want you guys to see them again. And then decide the kind of projects you want to make. You have to have those 20 marks in your pockets.”
Their history teacher Ms. R says.

No one can hate her. She teaches history in such a way that you understand every single thing. She’s also very kind and asks anyone they’ll only give positive feedback about her.

The students followed Ms. R to the first floor and back to their old 11th-grade classroom. There were only a few students in the class, so Ms. R asked if it was a teaching period to avoid disturbing another teacher.

When the kids said it was a free period, they all entered the class. Divyanka and her friends looked around, feeling a wave of nostalgia. It must have been quite a nostalgic moment for them, because this was their old classroom.

Then Divyanka had this moment where she noticed a curly-haired guy in the class, and he just stood out from everyone else. There was something about him that caught her attention, you know? And guess what? When he looked up and locked eyes with her, she got all shy and immediately looked away.
Classic move, right? But to distract herself, she started chatting with her friends while sneakily side-eyeing him.

It's funny how sometimes we can't help but feel a bit nervous or self-conscious in someone's presence, even if we don't know why. It's like our gut is trying to tell us something.

Who knows what kind of connection or adventure might be waiting for Divyanka with this curly-haired mystery guy?

Ms. R comes back into the classroom with the jingling sound of keys, ready to unveil the projects. Divyanka and her classmates jump in to help, making sure to handle each project with utmost care.

It was like a secret mission for divyanka to keep her attention away from the curly-haired guy. But amidst all the project shuffling, Divyanka couldn't resist stealing glances at him. It was like her heart had a mind of its own, you know?

Now, here's the juicy part. While Divyanka was lost in her own little world of stolen glances, something interesting happened.

One of the other guys, probably sensing her distraction, curiously asked,
"Yo, Ma'am, what subject is this?"
And guess what?

The curly-haired guy, in his nonchalant way, casually replied,

Divyanka's eyes shot up from the project, meeting the gaze of the curly-haired guy. It's like time stood still for a moment. Suddenly, she had this burning desire to be seen, to be noticed.

Every question her friends asked and every reaction she gave felt amplified, like she wanted to make sure he knew she was there. It's funny how these little moments can make us feel so alive, right?

But wait, there's more! While Divyanka was lost in her own world of stolen glances, completely oblivious, her friend and a junior boy had started bantering.

Ms. R, being the observant teacher that she is, noticed the banter between Divyanka's friend and the junior boy. She swiftly intervened, giving the boy a stern look that made him fall silent.

With the projects needing to be put away, Divyanka saw an opportunity to show off her strength and helpfulness. She eagerly volunteered to take charge of putting all the projects back in their proper places. Now, I'm not saying she did it just to catch the attention of the curly-haired junior who seemed completely disinterested in her or her activities.
But hey, a little flexing never hurt anyone, right?

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