Aum Unveiled: Triumphs, Trials, and Today

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"Hey Aum, pass me the fork."

Aum: *passes the fork*
"Sure, here you go!"
*playfully pretends to stab his friend*
"Watch out, I've got the power of the fork!"

"Aum, you always know how to make things interesting. You two have been friends since forever, haven't you?"

"Yeah, we've been through thick and thin together. From school pranks to late-night study sessions, we've seen it all."

"Remember that time in high school when we had that big crush on the same person?"

"Oh, how could I forget? It was like a real-life love triangle. We were so clueless back then, but nevermind it was nothing from my end!"

"And now, we're all grown up, reminiscing about those silly crushes while enjoying our fork-filled adventures."

"Life has definitely taken us on some interesting twists and turns, but it's moments like these that make it all worthwhile."

Vihaan: "Cheers to friendship, forks, and the crazy journey of life!"

They all raise their glasses and share a laugh, knowing that their bond will always bring smiles and memories.

Aum reached home smiling after the lovely time with his mates. He sees that the main gate is open, so he enters.

His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malhotra, had been married for many years and had an only child  Aum.

That evening, as the sun was setting, aum happened to witness a heated argument between his parents as soon as he entered the hall.

The tension in the air was palpable as harsh words were exchanged. It was a heartbreaking moment for aum to see his parents in such turmoil. He was in 10th trying to understand and enjoy life and all of the sudden he sees his world shattering in front of his eyes. He was helpless at the point.

As the argument escalated, his father admitted to cheating on aum's mom, shattering their trust and the foundation of their marriage. The revelation left his mom  devastated and filled with anger and sadness.

Realizing the toxic environment they were creating for their aum, the parents made the difficult decision to separate and eventually divorce. It was a painful process for everyone involved, but they knew it was necessary for their own well-being and for aum's sake.

In the days that followed, aum witnessed his parents navigating the challenges of divorce. There were tears, anger, and moments of despair.
While the scars of the past remained, the family separated.

His mom and aum left the city. And as they embarked on their separate journeys, they carried with them the hope of finding happiness and healing to the new city.

Aum found himself in a new school and a new neighborhood. Aum had recently moved to this city due to his parents' separation, which had left a deep impact on him.

As Aum stepped into his new school, he couldn't help but feel a sense of isolation. The trauma of his parents' separation had made him guarded and hesitant to open up to others. He carried the weight of his past with him, making it difficult for him to trust and connect with his peers.

spent most of his time alone, avoiding social interactions that day. He would often find solace in his thoughts, seeking refuge in the world of sports. The pain of his parents' separation had made him retreat into his own world, where he felt safe from the uncertainties of human connections.

Aum had a challenging time as his parents went through a difficult divorce when he was in 10th class. This major life change left a lasting impact on Aum. He developed trust issues and became a secretive and grumpy boy. He found it hard to open up to others and only had a small circle of 2-3 time pass friends.
Aum rarely spoke and kept his emotions hidden.

To cope with his emotions, Aum turned to sports. He found solace and distraction in the world of athletics. Whether it was running on the track, shooting hoops on the basketball court, or kicking a soccer ball, sports became his escape. It was on the field where he could forget about his troubles and just focus on the game.

As Aum poured his energy into sports, he let his rage out on the soccer ball.
Aum was a guy who won't waste a sec after school gets over and walks off while everyone is chatting at the school gate with his friends.

As Aum walks through the front door of his home that day after school, a heavy silence fills the air. His mom, sensing something is off, tries to engage him in conversation, but Aum remains silent, lost in his own thoughts. Without uttering a word, he heads straight to his room to change into his gym clothes.

With hidden emotions in his eyes, Aum makes his way to the gym. The familiar sound of weights clanking and the rhythmic beat of music playing in his ears provide a sense of comfort. He finds solace in the solitude of the gym, where he can focus solely on himself and his physical strength.

As he starts his workout, memories from the past begin to resurface. Each lift of the weights triggers a flashback, reminding him of the challenges he has faced and the battles he has fought. Emotions surge through him as he relives those moments, feeling the weight of his past experiences. Each sound he could hear with those harsh words he heard that evening which changed his life.

But amidst the intensity of his workout, Aum finds a sense of release. The physical exertion helps him channel his emotions, allowing him to process and confront the memories that haunt him. With every rep, he grows stronger, both physically and mentally, determined to overcome the obstacles that have shaped him. Though there is no choice for him, he needs to be strong because that's the only way for him to survive.

And as the sweat drips down his face, Aum's thoughts get deeper. He finally stops and sits while almost every one has left. It was late already. His phone rings, it was his mother.

Without picking up the call he just messages his mom:
on my way

wanting to avoid conversations with his mom and everyone else. He's got some unspoken talks and emotions that he just can't bring himself to share. It's natural to wonder if he'll ever trust anyone again and be able to speak up about his emotions.

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