Texas Proud

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Ev: Paul wake your ass up we have one hour until our next shift so unless you wanna get caught get up!!
Paul: Ok, Ok im awake. Wait i dont have time for my morning routine of leaving here and going home and then seeing you at the firehouse?
Ev: No your gonna have to drive us both there, dont look so scared i'll get out up yhe road make it look like I walked there.
Paul: I'm so glad there will be breakfast at the station.
Ev: I swear all men think about is food.
Paul: Not all men just most men.
Ev: Go on get out get out, you need your keys not gonna get very far without them.
Paul: Right i will see you in about 2 minutes.
Ev: Yeah and by the way remember play it cool unless you wanna get murdered by Judd.
2 hours into the shift its their first call out. A kid stuck in a grain silo.
Tk: How the hell does a kid end up getting stuck in a grain silo? 50 feet above ground.
Judd: Its called walking the grain. People go up into the silo, they stomp on all the corn cause its a cheap way to dislodge it from the drain.
Owen: Sounds like you've run a few of these, Judd.
Judd: Yeah, we lose a few people a year to them down here. You get that much grain together, its like quicksand.
Owen: So if its already up to his chest how long do we have to get him out?
Judd: Ten minutes at the most, but that depends on the air pockets, but you also can't pull him out too fast,or you'll just rip him in half.
Tk: But its corn.
Judd: Yeah its corn, it weighs 1,200 pounds per cubic yard. Its like having 4 refrigerators on top of every part of your body.
Owen: All right heres the deal. When we get there, Judd's gonna run the call alright, you do what he says when he says it.
All: Copy that.
On scene.
Owen: All right lets raise the Ariel. Everybody with high angle training goes up!! Let's get this kid out of here!!
Owen: Okay you two this is plan b.
3 minutes later over radio.
Owen: Talk to me.
Judd: Making progress cap stand by.
Suddenly a line snaps all cap, Mateo and Ev can do is wait.
Judd: Captain Strand, they went down!!
Owen: Whos going down??
Judd: Tk and Marjan! Cut it open now.
Owen: You two heard him cut it open plan b go, go, go.
They cut the silo open from the bottom. All the grain spills out along with 3 alive people paramedics run to the victim and Owen runs to Tk.
Owen: Tk you alright?
Tk: I'm good Where's Marjan?
Marjan get up but in all the commotion her hijab came off.
Mateo: Wow.
Ev: Not wow.
Marjan: Oh damn.
Ev chucks off her turnout to cover marjan.
Owen: Form a wall!!
They all stand infront of Marjan facing away from her whilst she puts her hijab back on. In the truck on the way back.
Marjan: You don't think anyone caught that on video when my hijab came off?
Mateo: Oh yeah this is gonna be epic.
Paul hits mateo whilst Ev kicks him and puts her hand on Marjan's knee.
Marjan: Epic disaster.
Ev shoots a glare at Mateo before looking at her brother who is just staring out the window. At the station. We get out of the truck and Judd and Tk start arguing from what I can gather its about the silo. Paul runs up to them to stop them when they start physically fighting.
Paul: Hey! Hey! Knock it off. Let him go! Knock it off! What the hell is going on?
Judd: We were having a conversation.
Paul: Yeah with a bunch of exclamation points. You good?
Tk: We're great.
Paul: What you doing man?
At the end of their shift.
Paul: Hey come round mine tonight?
Ev: No im actually going to Judd's for dinner and staying. Fwi in the future dont get up Judd's ass otherwise he will kill you without even knowing about us.
During their next shift
Mateo: Hey check it out.
Paul: Yo these comments. "Brb gotta burn down my house." Redneckonize says, " Must almost die so she can give me mouth-to-mouth."
Ev: Guts no just stop.
Marjan: Cab you turb that off probie? Seriously.
Paul: Oh come on. Do not pretend like you don't love the attention.
Marjan: I do, just not when it's like that.
Mateo: My dentist is Muslim and she doesn't wear a hijab.
Marjan: It's a choice.
Mateo: So you wear that by choice? Why?
Marjan: It connects me to something bigger. Not just my faith but to those who came before me. My mom, My aunties, my grannies. They taught me to be proud of who I am no matter what people say, and I carry that with me everytime I wear it.
Ev: You boys will never understand it. Its hard enough for us girls because we're in a career that until lately was mostly men and still is. For this to happen to Marjan ontop of that. You'll never understand it. Plus its Marjans choice.
Mateo: Okay I get it. It's like superman's cape. I mean, without it, he's just a guy in tights.
Paul: What the hell are you talking about, probie? He's all-powerful no matter what he wears.
Mateo: He is? I missed that.
Marjan: I hate you both.
Ev: Snap.
12 hours later the shift finishes and everyone goes home. Its their next shift and their first call is to a lady who landed on a car.
Judd: Hey cap should we just wait for the ME?
Andrea: Gasps.
All: Whoa.
Owen: Okay that answers that full C spine precautions. Lets get her off the roof.
Marjan: Okay I got a pulse but its weak. C collar. Andrea? Andrea can you hear me? We're gonna move you, but first we need to stabilise your spine, okay?
Owen: All right, you ready to lift her? One, two, three.
Paul: Whoa, whoa,whoa, whoa, both her legs are shattered.
Ev: I got the leg splints.
Andrea: My life is over. Where's my phuh...
Owen: Whats she saying?
Tk: Sounds like-
Andrea: Wheres my phuh?
Tk: Where-where's Michael? Mi-Mifah?
Marjan: Michael?
Mateo: Mike?
Owen: What apartment did she jump out off?
Woman: Seventh floor, right there.
Carlos: You think she was pushed?
Owen: We're about to find out.
Owen and Carlos go up to the apartment before coming back down with a phone and telling us this was yoga gone wrong. We are all back at the fire House. Me and Marjan are cleaning the truck. The night after our shift ended we went to a bar. I'm sat with Judd and Grace.
Grace: What about the captain's kid, Judd?
Judd: What about him?
Grace: Hes been giving you the stink eye since we walked in here.
Ev: Is this still about the silo, you were both in the wrong let it go.
Grace: Wait what happened?
Judd: He's probably pissed off because I told him that he's a pretty boy who only has this job because of who is daddy is.
Grace: Judson Ryder, you didn't say that to him.
Ev: Oh but he did.
Judd: He had it coming to him.
Grace: And you were gonna be the one to deliver it?
Judd: Yeah, 'cause somebody had to say it because he's an arrogant little turd and he's gonna get himself or somebody else killed.
Ev: Judd calm down.
Grace: I got this. So did you get your point across?
Judd: I did not.
Grace: You need to apologise.
Judd: Me, he's the one that's in the wrong.
Grace: God opposes the proud, shows favour to the humble. James 4:6.
Judd: Groans.
Grace: Plus he's your boss's kid.
Ev: I think you both need to apologise but one of you has to be the bigger man and apologise first. Be the bigger man big bro.
Judd: Sighs.
During the next shift, I was cleaning the seats inside the ladder truck. I see Judd walk up to Tk. I see them fist bump before Mateo and Paul ruin the moment.
Mateo: Awwwwwwwwwwww.
Paul: Why don't ya'll hug it out.
Tk: Shut up!!!
Mateo: Laugh.
Judd: Hey man ya'll should shut up.
Paul: Yeah, my son. Sweet baby boy.
Mateo: Still laughing.
Paul: Sweet baby boy.
Judd walks off and Tk throws something at them obviously missing them.
Ev: You know if you keep winding him up like that its not gonna end well.
I go for a shower before heading to the bunkrooms.  Later that night we have the weather on looks like we're in for a bumpy night.

The 2 RydersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora