Part 1

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The character in this book are from a brilliant author called Priest and adapted from the television series Guardian. I have only borrowed them and moulded a new story around them with some slight changes to their characters.


Yunlan knew that he didn't have much time left before Wei would appear to stop him, and sadly he couldn't allow that. The trigger for the drug had already been activated and soon he would be forced to follow the command embedded deep within his subconscious, and this was the only way that it could end. Yunlan caught a glimpse of the black robe blowing in the breeze as Wei ran towards him and realised that if he jumped, Wei would save him, making his attempt futile. Therefore he used his flames by calling on them colour by colour as they appeared in the palm of his hand.

Wei never knew about Yunlan's gift of fire, and froze as he watched the colours mixing and dancing, different hues and tints, until they all combined in an ultimate iridescent silent explosion. Yunlan smiled before he vanished in the blast of light which dissolved into tiny shards of diamond that twinkled in the first rays of the sun, and gradually disappeared.

Wei sank to his knees stunned by the way Yunlan had chosen to leave him, beautiful but deadly. He was numb, he couldn't speak or feel, or even cry. His only thought was to follow him. He arose and started walking slowly towards the cliff edge with only one thought in his mind. He never looked back, or saw Chu running towards him while casting his strongest black strings to stop him.

Anyone infected with the drug, could not be saved or stopped once they were activated and followed what they had been programmed to do, and Yunlan had been ordered to kill Black Robe but only the very few knew about Shen Wei, therefore Yunlan was never going to follow that order and suicide was his only way out. Daqing, Chu and Wei had all worked on the antidote and with Yunlan's help it was a success but it came too late to save him.

Shen Wei felt the strength of the black ropes around him and he fought wildly against them, but Chu was stronger and he forcefully dragged him back from the edge and held him tightly as Wei struggled before he gave up and released his emotions, as he sank to the ground.

This memory came back to haunt Shen Wei during the first few years after the war was over, the drug victims were saved and the doorways were closed. It didn't make any difference that Yunlan died on the other world, he was still gone and Wei was alive. All his emotions died that day and when Wei started his new life in this world, he stayed numb inside but threw himself into learning. Daqing and Chu remained here with him and watched from a distance, so when they saw him beginning to live again, they were relieved and had the chance to sort out their own situations. They went into law enforcement, studying how the law worked, and eventually became police detectives.

The gateways had been closed for at least forty or fifty years when there was talk of a new department to deal with unusual crime but to most of the younger generation, it was considered a waste of time and resources. The older officials knew that it was necessary because they had lived or served in the war which had been erased from the school history books. Shen Wei was involved in some of the discussion because he was now a history professor who knew more than the average person about past events, and suggested the first two police officers whom he thought would be the best choice.

Wei knew that they would be able to protect their chief whoever he was, but finding someone to be in charge was more difficult. There was a rumour going around that it was a dead end job without the chance of promotion, therefore no one applied, but eventually one person did. He was young and enthusiastic, and hid his intelligence. Daqing and Chu recognised him, but it wasn't the person they knew from years ago, however they were put in place to protect the new chief, without his knowledge.

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