Part 12

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Shen Wei was in the middle of a lecture when the emergency call was broadcast in his brain, causing him to stop what he was saying and the students waited, staring when they realised that perhaps their favourite tutor was unwell. Wei needed to know what had happened and mentally sent for a guard to replace him, someone who had taken his place on other occasions, and he suggested to the class to write out their thoughts on the political situation of the dynasty they had been discussing. This guard knew how to control the class and would keep them busy until their tutor returned or the buzzer sounded for a break.

Shen Wei headed straight to his study and locked the door before he stood in the centre of the room and called on his sleeping power within. The dark clouds instantly appeared circulating around his feet, increasing their speed as they steadily arose and expanded towards the ceiling, while continually producing small random flashes of light and completely concealed the professor. His gentle hands which were pointed towards the floor, drew in more strength and released the powerful spirit from his rest, allowing the elegant Black Robe to materialise and he stepped out from the clouds, rapidly following the signal to Yunlan and his guard.

He found them lying on the soft wet grass but only the guard was conscious and he immediately examined Yunlan for injuries, while another explosion echoed in the surrounding area and shook the ground. The fuel tank exploded when the heat from the flames had reached it and Black Robe glanced in the direction of the thick dirty smoke for a second, as it rose into the sky before he asked what had caused the crash.

The young guard gave his report and explained about watching Yunlan's erratic driving and had realised that he was in mortal danger. He immediately teleported inside the car where he found him unconscious with the smell of a floral sedative, but he didn't know if it had been released inside the vehicle through the ventilation, or if it was in one of the boxes which Yunlan had collected earlier. Unfortunately they wouldn't be able to tell, because all the evidence had been blown up with the car.

Black Robe thanked the guard for his quick thinking and bravery and he bent down to carefully lift Yunlan who had opened his eyes for a second and smiled before closing them again. The floral sedative was still active and Black Robe took him to the safest place he could think of with a bed, to sleep off the effects. Yunlan was the first guest in the new cells under his offices, which caused Wei to smile at the irony, as he gently lowered him onto the bed and sat on the edge for a moment. All the threats were directed towards Yunlan, even the one delivered to his house. The writer had no intentions of hurting anyone else but they did want to see him suffer emotionally and physically. Wei brushed his hand over Yunlan's forehead to tidy his hair while he slept, wondering what had led him to this point.

Black Robe heard the quick light footsteps approaching and recognised that it was Daqing before he saw him, but he remained seated on the edge of the bed as he watched him drop to his knees.

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