Part 3

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Yunlan was silent in the car as he drove back to the office making his two passengers feel very nervous, and one of the first things he did on arrival was look up Shen Wei's name to find out everything he could, but the information was basic, it just told him what he expected to find. His record of work and where he lived but not much before that, no personal information. Then he called himself an idiot, and sat back with his feet up on the desk, of course there wouldn't be anything if he hadn't been charged, but he still wanted to know why his friends had dropped to their knees to show respect.

Chu brought him out of his thoughts when he entered the office and reminded him that this was the third burglary carried out in the same manner, so from now on they were going to call them The Tidy Burglars. They had no idea why these houses were chosen, they were not in the same area and they didn't look as if they owned expensive items judging from the outside, but the burglars seemed to know which ones to hit.

"Home time, we've done enough work for the day, I'm going for a drink, you can join me if you like." Yunlan asked, as he looked towards Daqing and Chu and knew that they wouldn't, but he never gave up hope that maybe one day, he would buy them that drink. So he left his office and slowly headed towards the bar at the end of the street which was quite popular because the quiet lounge also served very good food.

Surprisingly after he'd entered and was shown to his table, he noticed the professor sitting alone in a darker area further back, and watched him as he ate his meal. He was an interesting person, all his movements echoed sophistication, but there was also an element of defensive skills shown, when he swiftly caught an empty glass before it hit the floor, replacing it on his table before the waiter returned. You're a mystery, Yunlan thought to himself before he ordered and moved his attention more towards what was on his own plate. By the time he had finished his meal the restaurant was almost empty, most of the customers had left, probably it was part of a night out for some of them before they went home.

Shen Wei didn't feel like cooking after the home invasion and dressed smartly before he went out to find a good restaurant nearby. The bar at the end of this road had a good reputation for food, which he'd heard from a few people and he thought it was worth visiting.

Wei entered and asked for a table further back if possible which would be more peaceful and he had a good view of the rest of the room. Service was quick and he ordered his meal but he accidentally knocked a glass over and caught it with ease, replacing it on the table. before the waiter returned.

While he was eating his first course, he saw a familiar face who ordered wine with his meal. Coincidence he told himself. This restaurant served good food, and it was busy tonight, it was just luck that they both ended up here at the same time on the same night. Seeing this police officer for the second time tonight was a shock and his name was the same as his last partner but that was the only thing. His attitude seemed completely different, and Wei had no wish to see him again even by accident. His main thought was to enjoy a nice meal and relax.

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