Bird nest

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(ye me back have fun reading this time this story will have cuddles and uh idk blah blah enjoy)

"Sword? Sword are you okay?"

"Agh.. what happened?.."

Sword slowly opens his eyes gaining consciousness again. The first thing he saw he was in a bed at his place and seeing a cast in his arm from the battle. Oh and yeah the damn coffee and sandwiches Rocket was holding.

"Oh thank illumina your okay"

He hugs Sword carefully and Sword hugs back but flinch of his broken arm.

"Tch- ow ow ow ow ow!-"


Rocket carefully let's go of him, rearranging Sword to a comfortable position for his arm. He smiles holding a cup of coffee Infront of him

"Well you won the bet Sword I got when you asked for"

" Thanks.."

Sword reaches his arm to grab the cup of coffee but quickly his arm started hurting again (the cast is in the right arm). And yelled in pain


Rocket helps him again, Medkit walks in because of the yelling

"Don't move Sword.."

He exits leaving Rocket and Sword alone again. Just some minutes later Sword stirs in bed trying to sleep. He looks tired and desperate to have some rest.

"Your tired?"

Rocket asked while looking at his phone sitting down on a seat that was inside of the room

"Hmp.. yeah.."

Sword thinks for a moment cuddling with a pillow but still it wasn't enough for him. Rocket continued to scroll on his phone, he felt a hand grab his arm and get pulled into the bed with Sword.


"Can you stay with me just for a while Rocket?.."

"Uh.. sure-"

Sword starts to wrap his arms around him keeping Rocket in his embrace pulling Rocket to his chest. He nuzzles Rockets forehead drifting off to sleep and also starts to snore quite loudly and softly. Rocket stays in the embrace and nuzzles his head in Swords neck

"Hmp.. sigh"

Rocket drifts off to sleep with Sword having a nice sleep with him

(Time skip)

It was somewhere in the afternoon and both of them were still cuddling together like cats sleeping with each other having a blanket around them like in a nest shape Wich looks really comfy. Medkit walks inside with his clipboard.

"Huh.. well looks lay they had a slumber.."

Medkit covers both of them with a blanket

"Now I have to go back to whatever what I was doing.."

Medkit checks over Sword and Rocket. He shooks Sword on the shoulder carefully


"Wake up you need to eat"

"10 more minutes.."

He nuzzles his face against Swords back basically in a bit spoon and little spoon in a adorable position

Medkit sighs and goes over to put a cube of ice in his cheek. Sword grumbles and gets up and wipes off the melted water from the ice that was on his face. Rocket was still asleep on the same bed Sword was in breathing softly

Medkit hands over the sandwich and coffee that Rocket got for Sword

"Here's your lunch. I'll get Rockets lunch also. I can let you leave after that or you can stay here and chat more.."

"Thanks Med"

He smiles and looks over to the sleeping Rocket. Sword pulls Rocket to his chest seemingly comfortable having Rocket on him, Sword munch on his sandwich and sipping coffee to keep himself awake and also keeping his mouth not dry (you better drink you're water 8 times a day.)

Rocket leans on his body having a pouty face feeling much comfortable in Swords embrace had his body up his chest

Sword is known for just having a shoulder over some people or hold hands platonically but he made an exception for Rocket being his best friend and all. He is used having Rocket around him just not in busy times. He didn't like that much of "leg room" as mean by not having a lot of space when cuddling. He likes the presence of Rocket with him

((Alr that's it now wait for my motivation and inspiration to come back. I think you guys wanted sum more dialogue of them instead of actions. Hope you guys enjoy reading!))

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