Covered actions

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(Note- this will now be in Rockets perspective now and in trying to get the Phighters staying in their character because the last Chapter I made felt like Sword wasn't Sword n stuff. Have fun reading! :3)

(Oh and this one is a big time skip because I had no ideas from last chapter)

Rocket was at Vinestaffs and Shurikens place helping Vine water her plants in an exchange for some hot coco Rocket requested as for his reward. The plants of vines were sure been cared of by her, still had its colors and still had its green leafs, as for Shuri he just asked Rocket to do the dishes for him. Over at the kitchen there was the ol accident boy who lost their limbs during a match.

"Man Shuri is sure lazy this isn't even a lot of dishes" >:)

Rocket said finishing the last plate and placed it in the dry rack, he went over to grab a towel to dry his hands, Rocket noticed some bug containers or whatever you call them a small greenhouse enclosure of Shuri's bugs. There were a centipede a ladybug grasshopper a dragon fly and a whole dang wolf spider and tarantula for no absolute reason. "bugs, bugs just bugs!" Rocket said to himself inspecting the wolf spider and the tarantula seeing its furry legs not move much. he decided to put in a single blood worm in there, the wolf spider rushes over to the blood worm and immediately. Rocket backs a way a bit startled from it and its quick uber meal snatcher. "man this spider is like Broker whenever he wants to fool the delivery drivers..." another thought came into his head and decided to go over to shuri n vine at the balcony.

some dragon flies, flew around vines plants and shuri just trying to catch them but fails miserably during that.

"Hey vine" >:)

"Oh hey Rocket, here have a drink" :]

"Thanks vine" >:)

"No problem" :]

Shuri tries to catch an dragon fly again and misses to catch it in his hands

"Tchhh! dang it!!" >:]

"Comn just stop it already shuri" :]

"No! and imma gonna catch em sis!" >:[

Rocket just snickers and sips his hot coco seeing Shuriken being all frustrated and even made an "HMMMMMMMMMMP!!!" noise ah the sound when your lil sibling is annoyed or frustrated.. Rocket sat down with Vinestaff bringing out his phone to text Sword. He took a big sip of his cup and eyes glued onto his phone, Vine leans a little closer to see what they were texting about being curious.

The messages were positive but also had some hidden pick up lines that Rockets briancells werent even enough to notice those. Vinestaff thinks to herself that Sword was just joking around because she knew some best friends flirt as a joke, but then again the pick up lines were sure good.

Rocket snickers and laughs every time with Swords messages continuing sipping his drink and almost choking on it.

"What are you laughing about Rocket?" :]

"Oh it's just Sword he's been acting like a goof today, ha!" >:)

"Well I guess that's what your friends are.. -giggles-"

"Eh usually Sword is a calm guy but these comments sure make him a bit more.. hmmm.. silly I guess"

"Well it's nice that he's being a bit silly, he is making you smile.."

Rocket then gets a another message he reads it out loud for Vine: "hey Rocky i just like to also say want to have a movie night in the cinemas?".

"Yeah sure, tonight?"

"Yup see ya there bud"

Rocket puts his phone back on his pocket sipping all of his hot coco with one gulp feeling the nice heat of his drink licking his lips after gulping it all.

"Well cya theives den siblings imma head off to my place for a bit and slack"

"Alright bye bye Rocket"

Rocket waves to them goodbye and starts walking in the sidewalks heading back to Da shop with his father.

Once he had arrived back, he took of his shoes going over to his room where he could throw his shoes into the corner and plop himself on the bed like he was a pancake on a pan.

Looks over to his left eyeing the darn window watching Skateboard for some reason flying in the air when he tried to do a harmless trick ending up achieving dang heaven before Slingshot was there to catch him with his ability.

"What the actual fu-"

Night has now set, Zuka prepares dinner and Rocket walks out of his room, Zuka looks over to him.

"Uh son where are you going?"

"Oh just to the cinemas with Sword dad"

"Alright.. I can take you there if you want"

"Oh yeah sure dad, I have been walking a lot today"

A minute later Zuka and Rocket were in the truck. As for Sword he waits outside in the cinemas fidgeting with his jacket. Once he saw Rocket come out of the truck and Zuka drove off he walks over to Rocket.

"Good evening Rocky"

"Sup Sword"

"Lets go head in snacks and drinks are on me bud"


Sword puts a arm around Rockets waist and leads him inside with a smile on his face even with Rocket

ANNNDDD THATS IT HAHAHA now wait for the next one

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