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I looked down at Max. He seems so excited to go out and fight with me. "Alright, remember to stay out of trouble and watch me. If something bad happens what do you do?" I ask him, quizzing to see if he remembers what he's been taught. He sighs, "Get out as fast as possible I know." I smile down at him. "Good, now lets get going."

We stand on the roof of the building, looking down on the villain's base. Our goal is to listen in on the villains and find out their plan. Even though this mission is simple enough, it won't stop me from worrying about Max. He's never been on a mission before and he can be careless. Now it's just up to fate about whether he can do it or not.

We sneak into the villain's base, hiding about their meeting as they talk. At the head of the table is the main villain, Hestia. We try to stay as quiet as possible, Max recording the conversation on a special device made this mission. He's trying to stay as still as possible, but I can tell it's hard for him. We're currently sitting on beams on the ceiling high about their meeting.

Max swayed a bit, swerving over. I quickly grabbed him by his hood, making sure he doesn't fall. Something hits the table that the villains are all sitting around. It was the recording device Max was holding. His face is filled with fear as he looks at me. "Someone's here!" One of the villains shout, and Hestia looks right up at us and grins wickedly.

She aims her arm up at us, and it opens up to become a lazer. "Get down!" I shout at max as Hestia shoots the beam an inch away from Max. The beam falls to the ground with both of us still on it. I quickly grab Max in my arms as we fall and take most of the damage. He looks up at me fearfully. 

I set Max down on his feet and kneel down in front of him to talk to him. "Max, remember what I said. We're in trouble now, you need to leave." I say to him as he nods, looking very shaky. "I'll try," He says, wiping his tears on his sleeve. "But what's going to happen to you." I smile sadly at him. "I'm going to have to fight them off, survive for me, okay?" He nods and I get up. "Now go Max!" I say as the villains start running at me.

"Wait!" Max calls out as he runs towards me. I use my powers to open up a portal underneath him. I turn around to face him. "Go, Max! You have to survive in my place!" I turn back around, ready to face the villains rushing towards me. Max falls through my portal and back to the hero's base. The portal closes and Max is gone. Hestia walks up to me, chuckling as she cracks her knuckles.

"This should be fun, shouldn't it old friend?" She says as she swings her fist and punches me across the face. My lip starts to bleed as I taste my own blood. She's about to punch me again but I duck and grab her arm, attempting to throw her across the room. She laughs and grabs my arm with her metal hand, crushing my arm. I cry out in pain and let go of her arm. "Not so fun when you're the one pain, isn't that right old friend?" I try catching my breath. Hestia turns her arm into a lazer gun again and presses it to my head. "Say, "hi" to our old mentor for me." She says, then shoots the gun, and I black out.


Max sat in his room in shock. Tears fall down his face. "No, no, no!" He screamed out. He's in his old training room. "She can't do that! That's not possible!" He yelled out as he sobbed, hitting the ground repeatedly. One of the other hero trainers came in and grabbed Max by his arm. "Max!" They called out, trying to snap him out of it. "Tell me what happened." Max cried, sitting on the ground trying to wipe his tears.

"She's gone," Max said, his voice breaking. "She sacrificed herself to save me." The other mentor pulled Max into their arms. "Hey, it's alright." They say in an attempt to comfort Max. "Heroes die for others all the time, it's what happens in this line of work." Max screamed out in grief and anger. "It's not fair! Why did she have to die?! Why does everyone good have to leave me?!" He cried out, crying in the mentor's arms as they held him in their arms.                                                                    


Well this is going to be fun to write. You'll get Max's take on the whole thing next chapter. Also next chapter is like a month after this whole thing happens so yeah.

The Main CharacterOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant