Chapter Two

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Max and Celia's mentor knocked on her door, opening it slightly after neither of them answered. She smiled softly as she saw Max beside Celia's bed, the two having fallen asleep holding hands. "Max, Celia, it's time for training." Their mentor, Amanda, said softly. Celia groaned as she sat up, rubbing her eye and yawning. "Max," She grumbled, "Get up." Max groaned and sat up as well. "I hate this," He muttered as Amanda laughed slightly. "I know, but you have to get ready for training." She said with a soft smile. "We're getting up now," Celia said, then glared at Max. "Right, Max?" Max sighed and answered. "Right."

Celia smirked and nodded. "Good, now go back to your room, you idiot." Max sighed as he gathered his stuff. Right after the room he turned back and shouted at her, "Wait did you just call me and idiot?!" Celia slammed the door in his face, snickering quietly as she did. Max sighed and walked to his room, putting on his hoodie and jeans, then walking down to breakfast. Max sighed as he sat down with his breakfast, holding his head in his hand. 'When is Celia getting here?' Max wondered as he sat. Suddenly, he heard someone running and he groaned. "Max, why the hell didn't you wait for me?!" Celia shouted as she sat down next to him.

"Because you were taking forever, you dumbass." Celia just sighed. "That's valid." Max smiled, "I know." Celia snickered and hit him playfully in the arm. "You idiot," She laughs. Max looks offended and gasps dramatically, "How dare you! I thought we were friends!" Celia scoffs, "We are still friends, you just can't take a joke." Max scoffed and look away from her. "I can not be seen with such a person." Celia gasps, playing along with his act. "But my love, you cannot leave me alone!" Celia says, then bursts out laughing when she sees Max's disgusted face.

"Celia, what the hell is wrong with you!" He says as he shoves her all the while Celia's laughing. "Come one Max, you've known me long enough to have expected this by now!" Max sighs, "Yeah, I probably should." The two finished eating their breakfast, then headed to the gym to start training where their mentor was waiting for them. "Hello you two, are you ready for today's training?" Amanda asked them. "You know I am!" Said Max as Celia nodded. "So am I. What are we working on today?" She asked. "I wanted to see how well you two can do in combat against each other today." Amanda said. "You two will use your physical and mental abilities to try and win. You can use your powers during this, just make sure not to hurt anyone."

"Alright Amanda, I won't!" Max said, then turned to Celia while grinning. "You ready to up against me?" He asked and Celia grinned back. "I was born ready, dumbass." They walked to the fighting arena as Amanda sat in the bleachers. "Now, I want you two to fight fairly, there will be no foul plays and no cheating. Am I understood?" Celia and Max nodded. "Alright you two, begin!" Max started running towards Celia, but she quickly dodges his attempt at landing a blow.

"You're slow as always, Max!" Celia calls out to him as she dodges yet another attack. "You need to stop focusing on landing a blow and instead first making sure you're actually going to land a hit on me." She says as Max looks at her in anger, pulling back then punching her. Celia didn't make it out in time to dodge that attack. He punched her across the face, but his fist went right through her. It was just an illusion. Celia appeared behind him, pushing him down and stepping on his chest so he wouldn't be able to get up. "You'd think that by now you'd know the difference between my illusions and reality by now," She said to him.

"Celia is the winner!" Called out Amanda as Celia grinned, holding out her hand and helping Max up. "You've gotten better though, nice job." Max got up, brushing himself off. "Thanks," He said, grinning. "I actually managed to lang a hit though." He said proudly. "Don't get over your head, it wasn't even me." Celia said as she and Max sat down on the bleachers, taking a drink from her water bottle, then handing it to Max. "Well your illusions still are fast, Celia." He said, then took a drink of water. "Yeah, good job today Max." Celia said, smiling at him.

"Hey you two, come on over!" Called out their mentor as Max sighed. "Why does it have to be so goddamn hot out here?" He asked no one in particular. "It's because I'm out here," Celia said, laughing as Max looked absolutely disgusted. "Ew, no. Never say that again." Celia laughed as she stood up. "Alright Max, whatever you say." The two raced to see who could get over to their mentor the fastest, Celia obviously winning as she was the faster one.

"You two have done an excellent job today!" Amanda said, looking down at the two with a look that could be compared to one of a proud mother. "The two of you have learned a lot, I'm proud to be your mentor and I'm sure you two will make excellent heroes." Max beamed as Celia thanked Amanda. "Thank you, we won't let you down." Amanda smiled at the two. "I'm sure you won't. Now come on, it's been a long day. Get some rest, we'll continue training tomorrow." Celia and Max nodded, then went to their rooms.

"See you tomorrow, Max." Celia said with a soft smile. "See you too, idiot." Max said, heading to his room and waving. He got changed into pajamas to sleep in instead of his hoodie and jeans. Just as he was about to go to sleep, someone knocked on his door. He went over and opened it. "Hey Max, can I sleep over in your  room for once?" Celia asked, all of her stuff already held in her arms. "Sure, you already have everything so I don't see why not. Celia smiled at him. "Thanks Max." She then set down her stuff as Max got into his bed. The two talked together for an hour before finally falling asleep.

Words: 1061

Hey y'all, sorry for not updating in a while. I promise I'll try to get an uploading schedule soon. Hope y'all are having the loveliest days or nights! 

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