Chapter One

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"Alright Max," Said the voice in his earphone. "Remember to be careful, this is your first mission where you have to fight, remember to be care-" "Be careful and call for help if things go wrong, blah blah blah, I got this Celia!" Max says, interrupting his partner, Celia. "Max, I could have been saying important information, you need to listen." Max scoffs, he didn't need anyone telling him what to do. He was Max! He doesn't need help or someone to help him.

"I'll be fine, Celia, just watch." He says in great confidence. "Alright," Celia starts. "Don't come crying to me when the hero program stops letting you go out on missions because of how careless you are." Max rolls his eyes. He would be fine, he's the greatest hero in training in his entire course! There wasn't anyway he could possibly fail in his eyes. After all, he just knew that he was going to be the main hero and everyone would love him.

He hopped down, prepared to fight the criminals who had caused the bank robberies. Right when Max thought it would happen, the bank alarms went off and the four criminals ran out of the building. Max grinned smugly, walking out trying to look intimidating. "Well well well," He starts as the criminals stop to look at who is speaking to them. "If it isn't the criminals I'm going to stop!" The criminals pause for a second, then start bursting out in laughter. "As if you can stop us!" One of them shouts through laughter.

"Yeah, you're just some weak kid!" Says another. "Quit the chatting you two, we need to leave!" Shouts the third one while the last one nods his head in agreement. Max smirks, knowing that he can prove them wrong. "Don't you know who I am?!" He shouts at the robbers. "I'm going to be the best hero there is and you'll regret saying those things!" "Sure kid," says the fourth one. "I bet you can't even lay a hand on us." Max snarls and runs over to them, hitting the fourth one right in between her eyes, knocking her out.

He turns to the other three as they look fearful. "So who's next?!" Max shouts to them as he cracks his knuckles. Two try running to the right, but Max throws a rock at one and it hits him behind the head painfully hard, and it knocks them out. He runs after the other and quickly puts handcuffs on her. The third one drops his gun. "Hey, lets talk this out," He says fearfully as Max walks towards him with a grin. "Too late!" Max says, then knocks the third one out.

"Good job, you weren't an idiot for once." Celia says on his earphone. "Oh shut it, Celia." Max snaps at her, then turns his earphone off. A police officer comes up to cuff the rest of the robbers while the other walks up to Max. "You did good there kid, I'm sure you'll make a great hero." The police officer says to Max as pride swells in his chest. "I promise I won't let you down!" Max says energetically as the police officer walks away. He has a big smile on his face and turns up his earphone again. "Did you hear that Celia?! The officer said I did good! And that I'll make a great hero!"

Celia scoffs, but Max couldn't see her smile. She was secretly happy for her friend, even though he's very annoying. "Officers say that to all heroes in training," Celia says to him. "This isn't a special case." Max shrinks in on himself a bit. Was he really just another forgettable hero in training to everyone? He shook his head, he wasn't going to think like that! He was Max for god's sake! He wasn't going to let anyone ruin his mood. "Sure Celia," He starts confidently. "As if anyone else is as good as me!" Celia just rolls her eyes.

"Whatever. Just come home soon okay? I don't want anything bad happening to you." Celia says, just worrying about her careless friend. Max was silent for a moment before speaking. "Hey, Celia? Do you think it's fine if I stay out a bit late? You know, one of those nights." Max sat in silence, waiting for Celia's response. He heard Celia sigh on the other end. "Sure Max, just check in with me frequently and don't get hurt. "You know I won't," Max said to Celia and she laughed. "Be back before midnight at least." Celia said, then turned of her earphone.

Max went to his usual spot on one of the roof tops to go sit on. He watched the sunset, feet dangling over the edge of the high up building. He came up there often to sit and think. Sometimes it was about the past, other times the present, and most times the future. If you asked someone who barely knew Max, they would say he has the biggest ego ever. People who know him though, well, they tell a different story. They know what he's really like because he opened up to them. There are only two people he's opened up to though, Celia, and his mentor that decided to train him with Celia after his first mentor had died.

Max stood up, looking out over the edge and at the city. He thought it was most beautiful at night, when it was most quiet, where everything was dark except for all the lights. Max turned his back and went back to the hero's base, the place he had called his home for years. He opened his window and snuck into his own room. Max changed into his night time clothes so he would be more comfortable. He lied down in bed for what seemed to be hours, kept up by all his thoughts. He grabbed his pillow and blanket and went over to Celia's room.

Max knocked on her door and she answered, rubbing her eyes tiredly and in her night clothes. "You can sleep again?" Celia asked, already knowing the answer to her question. Max had come over to Celia's room when he couldn't sleep often, so she had come to expect this. He sat down on her floor as she walked over to her nightstand to grab her brush. She sat down behind Max and started to brush his hair as she hummed softly. This tradition of doing things like this started back one month ago when Max first started his training with Celia. He came to her room one night after not being able to sleep and told Celia about how he liked it when people brushed his hair. Ever since that night Celia offered Max a place in her room if he couldn't sleep so she could help him calm down.

After a while Celia set down the brush besides her. "Do you want me to braid your hair again, Max?" She asked him. Max nodded and Celia started braiding his hair. She was done after about five minutes and stood up. She held out her hand for Max to grab and helped him stand up. Max pulled her into a hug. "Thank you Celia, you don't have to do this." Max said quietly. Celia hugged him back tightly. "I know, but I want to." She pulled away, smiling gently at him. "Come one, lets go to bed now." Max set up his stuff on the floor, and the two talked until they both fell asleep.

ALRIGHT, IT'S DONE! THE SECOND CHAPTER THAT LITERALLY NO ONE ASKED FOR! But in all seriousness, I am writing this at 12:00 fucking am. and it's almost 1:00 am..... Send help

Words: 1284

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