16. What the hell

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Something seems to frighten him.

He didn't stop as I got closer, "What is inside this house?"


"Seriously...ghosts? You take on zombies."

Kaiman shook his head, "That is not the same...I can't stand them." It must have taken him off guard, as I grabbed his hand, pulling him along into the house. Turning on my flashlight, he got even more nervous, "N/A..."

My hand held his even tighter, "I won't let go, I promise." Hours ago, he was stealing my last nerves and now, I was all kind to him...I must be crazy myself.

His other hand held on to my shoulder, while he followed me from behind. He was shaking violently, looking in every room we passed. Since I have never been here before, I wasn't aware of the magic this place had to the atmosphere. Ghosts in this place are quite common, but I didn't know that. Kaiman tried his best not to trip over his own words, explaining me about the mansion.

It all got out of control, as something seem to appear behind the lizard guy.

Scared to the bone, he screamed out...and fell right on top of me. His weight had flattened me, "Hey get off me!!!!" With the flashlight aiming at the area, a pale figure looked into my direction. This reminded me of the creature from the underground box fight. It tried to frighten me the same way, moaning deeply. Too bad I was not in the mood for that, "Get stuffed!"

"Ah, there you are!" In the opposite direction came someone toward us.

In the dark, eh looked like a ghost too. With the light now on, he revealed himself as the doctor, "Sorry, I couldn't find you instantly. Apparently the place changes from all the magic and shows us illusions of all sorts. The only thing he wasn't capable off was waking up Kaiman. This ghost must have frightened him so badly, that he lost consciousness. With the doctor, we could pull him into the living room, onto a tatami mat. Kasukabe helped me with the corpses while my partner was sleeping. He also could show me what he was working on and why he needed corpses of sorcerers. I was amazed, as he showed me the huge door that he created, "Behind this lays the world of sorcerers."

My expression must have shown that I wasn't as interest anymore than before.

Kasukabe got confused, "is something N/A?"

"...I go back to Kaiman."

"Doesn't that excite you? A human is able to create a door to the other side."

"I prefer it here...thank you."

The doctor got interested, "So you have been in the world of the sorcerers?"

I rather not say, keeping silent. For a doctor like him is it an easy task to interpret my quiet answer. Getting back to the living room, I got some stuff out from my bag. Kasukabe however, didn't stop asking me all sorts of questions about the other side, "How was it there? Did you meet sorcerers? Is it as beautiful as some say?" my answers remained constant silence, while aiding Kaiman's face. Nikaido won be pleased if I didn't take care of her friend as she told me to.

"You seem to get along pretty well."

I shrugged, "It depends"

"Woah it talks!" He did this on purpose, just to hear me talk.

"He is difficult to say the least. Whenever I get the feeling that we may a chance to become friends, he screws it up."

Kasukabe laughed with joy, going towards his kitchen, "Just like me and my wife. She was the same way...always making comments, trying to wind me up."

"Did it work?"

"...no...not much." To hear him talk about this wife, that is now a devil was quite interesting to hear. He talked about her with so much admiration, that it was almost impossible not to listen to his story. Although, as he described the devil's appearance, I had the feeling that I may knew her...but from where?

"Anyway; say N/A, would you like to go back to the other side to meet her?"

I should have known he would change the subject back to this, "I don't want to go back there...ever."

"What holds you back?"

The doctor won't stop, till I tell him. Leaning closer to the young looking man, I whispered into his ear, "My parent and I have hidden in the world of sorcerers. Once we were spotted, they burned down the building and my family with it. A devil helped me escape and since then..."

"...you are here to live your life in peace?" he asked curious.

I nodded, "I hope it is okay to leave soon. We have to get the car back to the shop."



Since we done our job, he helped me out the mansion. He got Kaiman right after, waking him up, "Kaiman, it is time to go"

A little unsure where he was, "Who are you?"

"Still not there, eh? It is Dr. Kasukabe, N/A is waiting for you outside."

"That girl!" Kaiman blames me for what happened, touching his face, "What's gotten through her head, why couldn't see just get in her on her own?" The sudden touch of the doc startled the lizard man, "Don't, N/A just treated your head."


"While you were unconscious, she took care of the cuts and bruises on your face."


"She sure seems to care for you... despite on how you act sometimes."

Kaiman took this as an insult, "What did she say?!"

The doc grinned wide, "at how difficult you are and how she hopes that you can become friends some day." For the lizard guy, it sounded like a bad joke. Even so, on his way out the mansion, he kept thinking about it. Kasukabe noticed him thinking hard, "I am sure you two will manage somehow. Send my regards to Nikaido and Vaux."

Once I saw Kaiman, I was expecting to be yelled at or something that was just like him. It was creepy as he got into the car and smiled over, "So...what is the next job?"

Not thinking straight, all I could say is," How hard did you fall?"

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