Chapter 1

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   Seastar called a meeting of the cats of her clan. 

 " Warriors, apprentices and other cats, I call you here this day to bring you news-" She started At once, incessant chatter broke out within the clan. 

Seastar allowed her clan members a few moments to process what she had said then started again. 

 " I shall not tell you whether the news is good or bad, that will be up to you to decide. The news is that we have a lead that the Dustclan might exist."

 The assembled cats broke into chatter once more.

 " The Dustclan?!" asked one. 

 "They're real?!" Cried another. 

 "Not just some story?!" 

" But they don't exist!" 

 " I SAID IT WAS A LEAD! IT MIGHT NOT BE REAL! IT MIGHT JUST BE A DEAD END!" Seastar hollered, which silenced the clan. It was rare for Seastar to raise her voice, much less yowl.

" I mean, it is a theory, it might not be real." Seastar corrected, regaining herself.

"However, I feel it would be prudent to add a few extra security measures, just in case." She added.

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