Chapter 3

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                Why would Treestar want to have a meeting with her? Is it because Forest Clan wants to establish an Alliance? Sure, Sea Clan was powerful, but they lacked the strength of numbers. Another reason that they would be in big trouble if Dust Clan attacked... 

             Wait- could the Forest Clan be the Allies that the prophecy was talking about? 

"Coralpearl!" Seastar called, her melodic voice carrying over the crowd easily.

"Yes?" Coralpearl asked, suddenly by Seastar's side.

"Tell Treestar this: The silent garden, with the jeweled leaves. The crystal lake, with the stones of ice. Only the weight of 6 can be held before the branch breaks. The tide meets the shore at noon on the fifth day." Instructed Seastar. Coralpearl nodded and hurried off.

That should do it. She'll see if Treestar was smart enough to figure out her riddle. Well, she'll find out in five days. All she could do now was hope the meeting would not end in disaster and that Treestar was smart enough to figure out her demands.

With that matter settled, she needed to find out if Dust Clan really was real or not so that she could prepare. And If they were... She didnt want to finish that thought. One problem at a time, Seastar told herself. One problem at a time.

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