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Sapnap woke up to the faint sound of talking. Still half awake, he stumbled out of his room and into the hallway. In the dark hallway he saw a boy similar in height to him yet still a bit shorter. Assuming it was George, he walked up to him.

"Psst," Sapnap said. The quiet nosie scared the shorter boy. "Where's Dream at? I need to talk to him."

The shorter boy looked around, not that he could see anything, but he looked to see if Sapnap was talking to him.

"Um, me?" The boy said. Sapnap quickly realized it wasn't George, yet the boy he had met earlier today, Karl.

"Oh, sorry I thought you were George," Sapnap apologized. He began to walk away before Karl spoke again.

"No, it's fine! He's in me and George's room,"

Sapnap looked around. His eyes had already adjusted to the darkness. After rummaging around the hallway, he finally turned a small hall light.

Karl giggled. "I like your Love Joy shirt," Sapnap looked down, he hadn't even realized he put it on.

"Oh, yeah, thanks, Tom's older brother is apart of the band," Sapnap said proudly.

Karl gasped in amazement. "Really? That's so cool! ...Which ones Tom again?"

Tommy quickly stepped out of his room. He looked at the two with sleepy eyes. "Who's talking about me?" Tom said nasty.

Sapnap gazed his eyes over to Tommy. "Me, Tom. Sapnap," Sapnap paused. "Go back to bed, I think the racers are doing something fun tomorrow,"

As Tommy went back to his room, Karl spoke up. "If you don't mind me asking, where are you going?" Karl said with a smile.

Sapnap began to speak before Tommy came back out. "WE'RE GOING TO A PARTY!" He yelled.

Muffled, yet still heard, Dream scolded Tommy. "Shut the hell up Tommy, it's 2 in the morning!"

"We're not going to a party. It's just some night club, I don't think anyone we know will be there," Sapnap corrected, as he looked towards Karl. "I'm pretty sure George's going, if you wanted to go,"

"Really?" Karl yelled in a whisper. "Like, with you?"

Sapnap could feel the blush form on his face as he watched Karl blush as well. "Um, no, yeah, kinda?" Sapnap stuttered. Karl giggled and looked back at Sapnap with doe eyes.

Sapnap looked down at Karl, and grazed back at Tommy, hoping he would go away. Tommy got the message and hurried back into his room.

"Um, well, you said Dream was in your room right?" Sapnap asked, trying to change the subject.

"Yeah, I just came out because they were snorting really loud," Karl nervously laughed.

'I can't believe I'm doing this, but...'

"Would you want to stay in my room tonight?" Sapnap asked nervously.

"Are you sure? I don't want to.... You know.. Do anything.." Karl replied.

"No! That's- that's not what I meant... Just like sleep in there" Sapnap paused, thinking about what he just said. "God, I messed this up... Would you- you wanna have a sleep over?" Sapnap laughed.

Karl nodded.

Sapnap quickly turned the hall light off and grabbed Karl's hand, and interlocked them. Once the were in Sapnap's room he closed the door and turned on a small lamp. Sapnap could tell Karl was uncomfortable with them holding hands so he let go.

After deciding who should sleep where, they both decided to sleep on the floor. A few conversations, not anything big, just small talk, they both fell asleep.

----Just a little filler chapter:)

I'm sorry for not posting last Monday, but I'll try to post every week or ever other week😋

Have an amazing day/night!----


Vals_life <33

Accelerate|| Karlnap☆Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora